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Outdated Archive · Today we've removed several outdated entries in our archive system; several of these are indicated as hacktools through most modern scanners and have long since been abandoned by their authors.
Gradient and Font Awesome Update · In an attempt to make the site function faster all around, we've decided to go the route of HTML gradients instead of image gradients; they're a little harder to work with, but the result pays off with not having to load additional images. The caveat is that, since they're harder…
Ad Row Bugfix · A bug has been identified and fixed which affected all sections with an ad that would display in the center of the page content all Linux sections and the Terminology section; basically the association code which points one item to another if it's simply in a different section or an…
Linux System Progress · I'm happy to announce that I just put the finishing touches on the initial drawup of the Linux section here at UGN Security. The control panel took a little longer to work out the logic, but now that it's out of the way staff can manage the entries without diving…
Captcha System · This week May 29th, 2006 we're preforming maintenance to the Recaptcha subsystems on the site; this means that all submission and contact pages are currently not working you'll be unable to submit content as the return value from the server will always be invalid. We'll update the listing below as…
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Using a Wired XBox 360 Controller as a Mouse in… · The article that these support files go to can be found here.
PHRACK Issue #61 · No summary provided.
PHRACK Issue #60 · No summary provided.
PHRACK Issue #59 · No summary provided.
PHRACK Issue #58 · No summary provided.
How to Build a 3-Way Phone · Step by Step 1 You will need two different lines for this. okay first take off both of the boxes covering the wires 2 Take the green and red from each box and attach a wire to each of these one wire to green 1 wire to red same on…
The Poor Man's 2600 Hertz · Hey all you phreakers! Bet you didn't know about this! It's The Poor Man's 2600 Hertz!! What the hell could I be talking about!?!? Well, let's say you're really hard up not in your usual sense, this time. You really need to make 2600 Hertz so you can have lotsa…
alt.locksmithing FAQ · Put together from postings by [email protected] Joe "Spike" Ilacqua, and [email protected] Henry Schaffer, with a major data collection effort by [email protected] Scott Anguish. Edited by hes. Translated to English by [email protected] Elizabeth Lear. Last changed 61692 What follows are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions on alt.locksmithing. This FAQ does…
Free vending machine goods · We all know those snack machines, coin machines, soda machines that allow dollar bills to be excepted. Here is a quick and easy way get all of those items for free and sometimes also making money at the same time. All you need is a dollar bill and a long…
The Art of Lock Picking: Lockpicking II · So you want to be a criminal. Well, if you want to be like James Bond and open a lock in fifteen seconds, then go to Hollywood, because that is the only place you are ever going to do it. Even experienced locksmiths can spend five to ten minutes on…
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Who is Linus Torvalds? · Linus Benedict Torvalds born on December 28, 1969 in Helsinki, Finland is a FinlandSwedish software engineer best known for having initiated the development of the Linux kernel. He later became the chief architect of the Linux kernel, and now acts as the project's coordinator.
What Platforms Does Linux Support? · Linux runs on a variety of computers and devices, and is widely supported by systems created in the last 20 years. It runs on PDA's, Gaming Systems, and even novelty "watches". It can also run on systems as large as mainframes. There are Linux distributions tailored specifically for various devices,…
What Is Unix? · Unix officially trademarked as UNIX, sometimes also written as Unix with small caps is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. Today's Unix systems are split into various branches, developed…
What Is Linux? · Linux is a generic term referring to Unixlike computer operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Their development is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration; typically all the underlying source code can be used, freely modified, and redistributed by anyone under the terms…
What Is BSD? · Berkeley Software Distribution BSD, sometimes called Berkeley Unix is the UNIX operating system derivative developed and distributed by the Computer Systems Research Group of the University of California, Berkeley, from 1977 to 1995. Historically, BSD has been considered a branch of UNIX "BSD UNIX", because it shared the initial codebase…
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zmore · The zmore command is the GNU version of the venerable UNIX more command. zmore prints files to the screen one screen at a time, that will display files compressed with gzip. zmore has no command line options, only commands that can be invoked when zmore is running. Commands: space:…
zgrep · zgrep invokes grep on compressed or gzipped files. All options specified are passed directly to grep. If no file is specified, then the standard input is decompressed if necessary and fed to grep. Otherwise the given files are uncompressed if necessary and fed to grep. If the GREP environment variable…
zcat · zcat is a Unix program similar to cat, that decompresses individual files and concatenates them to standard output. Traditionally zcat operated on files compressed by compress but it is usually able to operate on gzip or even bzip2 archives. On such systems, it is equivalent to gunzip c
zapping · A TV viewer for the Gnome environment that you can watch TV, take screenshots, and record video and audio. Zapping has a deinterlacer and a Teletext viewer built in and supports Closed Caption and Teletext subtitles
xterm · The xterm command launches a terminalemulation window under X. It gives you access to the shell command line from a window and is probably the most used X command. The xterm command has many available options, including one that will control columns in obscure terminal emulations. Most used Options: …
Network Security Toolkit · NST is a bootable ISO live CDDVD is based on Fedora. The toolkit was designed to provide easy access to bestofbreed Open Source Network Security Applications and should run on most x86 platforms. The main intent of developing this toolkit was to provide the network security administrator with a comprehensive…
Knoppix STD · STD is a Linuxbased Security Tool. Actually, it is a collection of hundreds if not thousands of open source security tools. It's a Live Linux Distro, which means it runs from a bootable CD in memory without changing the native operating system of the host computer. Its sole purpose in…
GameCube Linux · Nintendo GameCube Linux is a project to port Linux to the Nintendo GameCube and now the Wii in the same manner as Xbox Linux. The GameCube was seen to be a less attractive system to port Linux to since it not only lacked an onboard ethernet port and internal hard…
PlayStation 2 Linux · Linux for PlayStation 2 or PS2 Linux is a kit released by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2002 that allows the PlayStation 2 console to be used as a personal computer. It included a Linuxbased operating system, a USB keyboard and mouse, a VGA adapter, a PS2 network adaptor Ethernet only,…
Free60 · Free60 is the successor to the Xbox Linux Project that aims to put Linux, BSD, or Darwin on the Microsoft Xbox 360 using a software or hardware based "hack". The Xbox 360 uses hardware encryption and will not run unsigned code out of the box. The project's goals were met…
UNetBootin · UNetbootin Universal Netboot Installer is a crossplatform utility that can create Live USB systems and can load a variety of system utilities or install various Linux distributions and other operating systems without a CD. Features USB Install Mode This installation mode creates bootable USB flash drives and bootable USB Hard…
KMouth · KMouth is a KDE program which enables persons that cannot speak to let their computer speak, e.g. mutal people or people who have lost their voice. Currently KMouth has an input field into which the user can type the phrases he wants to hear. Additionally the program contains a history…
Festival · Festival offers a general framework for building speech synthesis systems as well as including examples of various modules. As a whole it offers full text to speech through a number APIs: from shell level, though a Scheme command interpreter, as a C library, from Java, and an Emacs interface. Festival…
Flite · Flite festivallite is a small, fast runtime synthesis engine developed at CMU and primarily designed for small embedded machines andor large servers. Flite is designed as an alternative synthesis engine to Festival for voices built using the FestVox suite of voice building tools. Flite offers: Completely in C no…
Tomboy · Tomboy is a desktop notetaking application for Linux and Unix. Simple and easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the ideas and information you deal with every day. Have you ever felt the frustration at not being able to locate a website you wanted to check out,…
Miscellaneous · These are miscellaneous LinuxUnix packages that we couldn't match to a Windows alternative, but still wanted to display in the package listing.
Narrator · Narrator is a TexttoSpeech utility for users who are blind or have impaired vision. Narrator reads what is displayed on your screen: the contents of the active window, menu options, or the text that you type. Narrator is designed to work with the Notepad, WordPad, Control Panel programs, Microsoft Internet…
Steam · Steam is a digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer and communications platform developed by Valve Corporation. It is used to distribute a wide range of games and related media entirely over the internet, stretching from oneman independent efforts to some of the world's most popular games. Steam is set apart…
Skype · Skype is a software application that allows users to make telephone calls over the Internet. Calls to other users of the service, and in some countries to freeofcharge numbers are free, while calls to other landlines and mobile phones can be made for a fee. Additional features include instant messaging,…
Azureus · Vuze formerly Azureus is a free BitTorrent client used to transfer files via the BitTorrent protocol. Vuze is written in Java, and uses the Azureus Engine. In addition to bittorrenting, Vuze allows users to view, publish and share original DVD and HD quality video content. Content is presented through channels…
PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy · In this book you'll learn how to: Create dynamic websites with design and usability in mind, as well as functionality Understand how PHP scripts work, giving you confidence to adapt them to your own needs Bring online forms to life, check required fields, and ensure user input is safe to…
Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux · Mark Sobell's A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux, Second Edition, isn't just the most thorough and uptodate reference to installing, configuring, and working with Ubuntu. It also provides comprehensive server coverage you won't find in any other Ubuntu book. The fully updated JumpStart sections help you get complex servers running…
Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML & XHTML in… · Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML and XHTML in 21 Days, Fourth Edition is a new edition of the bestselling book that started the whole HTMLWeb publishing phenomenon. The entire book has been revised and refined to freshen up its appearance and to bring it up to date with…
Stylin' with CSS - A Designer's Guide · Cascading Style Sheets enable you to rapidly create web designs that can be shared by hundreds of web pages, accelerating development times and centralizing text and layout information for easy editing and updates. Stylin with CSS teaches you everything you need to know start using CSS in your web development…
The PHP Anthology: Object Oriented PHP Solution, Volume 1 · As a PHP developer, there are certain problems youre almost guaranteed to face. Generating charts and graphs, converting HTML documents to PDF format "PHP is equipped to handle all of these, but coming up with the best implementation can be tricky! Now, instead of trawling through message boards and mailing…
Unix · Unix is a family of operating systems, which include over a hundred flavors such as HPUX, IRIX, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris and Tru64. As a registered trademark, its owner is The Open Group.
OS · An Operating System OS is a program that allows you to interact with the computer all of the software and hardware on your computer. Basically, there are two ways: 1. With a commandline operating system e.g., DOS, you type a text command and the computer responds according to that…
Linux Distribution · Unix is not a single operating system. It is in fact a general name given to dozens of operating systems by different companies, organizations, or groups of individuals. These variants of Unix are referred to as "flavors". Although based on the same core set of Unix commands, different flavors can…
Linux · Linux is the kernel of an operating system. Linux was built on the Unix tradition. Linux was originally developed by Linus Torwalds of Finland, who currently owns the Linux trademark. Linux stands for Linus' Unix. Using the open source code of the Linux kernel, people…
GUI · GUI Graphical User Interface, where the user clicks on a visual screen that has icons, windows and menus, by using a pointing device, such as a mouse. GUI is pronounced like "gooey".
BitMeTV · BitMeTV is a Torrent Tracker which lists Television Content. It is an Invite Only tracker.
BitComet · BitComet originally named SimpleBT client from versions 0.11 to 0.37 is a crossprotocol BitTorrent, HTTP and FTP client written in C for Microsoft Windows and available in 52 different languages. Its first public release was version 0.28. The current BitComet logo has been used since version 0.50.
BitLord · BitLord is a free, adsupported and proprietary BitTorrent client for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, promoted as "The easiest torrent downloader". The program uses the libtorrentrasterbar C library. BitLord is as of version 2.4 built using Python and the Qt crossplatform framework. It boasts having some of the best…
uTorrent · μTorrent, or uTorrent is a freeware, adsupported, proprietary BitTorrent client owned and developed by BitTorrent, Inc. With over 100 million users it is the most widely used BitTorrent client outside China; globally only behind Xunlei. The "μ" Greek letter "mu" in its name comes from the SI prefix "micro", referring…
Demonoid · Demonoid is a popular BitTorrent tracker and website that includes filesharing related discussion forums and a searchable index for the tracker. The site has undergone intermittent periods of extended downtime due to the occasional need to move the server, generally caused by cancellation of ISP service due to local political…
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