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DefCon The internet home of the summer hacker convention DefCon in Las Vegas. |
DollarDNS This site is dedicated to providing information about DNS and the only place where you can get your choice of DNS services for only 1 dollar a month. |
Hack in the Box Hacking Security Portal |
PacketStorm Security Exploit Security Portal |
Phone Losers of America Phone Losers of America - Everything you ever wanted to know about the telephone including everything the phone company really doesn't want anyone to know. Everything you find here can get you into really big trouble with any & all authority figures. But that's what makes it so much fun! Read incredible stories while learning some amazing tricks along the way. Great fun and police raids for the whole family! |
Smash The Stack![]() SmashTheStack Wargaming Network, is a place for like minded individuals to participate in a community, take part in the wargames, expand their knowledge, meet new people with similar interest and discuss interesting matters. They also provide the security community with interesting information, including Wargames write-up's, security whitepapers, research papers, how-to's, tutorials, code, and more. |
VNC Web Services UGN Security has been designed and maintained by VNC Web Design. |
2600 Magazine | Linux Journal · The Original Magazine of the Linux Community. | | · The MobileWhack blog shares leading insights and unique analysis of mobile threats and industry news. MobileWhack helps phones users, businesses and developers detect and resolve security issues in their mobile apps. | The Linux Documentation Project · The Linux Documentation Project is working towards developing free, high quality documentation for the Linux operating system. The overall goal of the LDP is to collaborate in all of the issues of Linux documentation. |
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