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The 20 Latest FAQ

Who is Linus Torvalds? · Linus Benedict Torvalds (born on December 28, 1969 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finland-Swedish software engineer best known for having initiated the development of the Linux kernel. He later became the chief architect of the Linux kernel, and now acts
What Platforms Does Linux Support? · Linux runs on a variety of computers and devices, and is widely supported by systems created in the last 20 years. It runs on PDA's, Gaming Systems, and even novelty watches. It can also run on systems as large as mainframes. There are Linux distribu
What Is Unix? · Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX, sometimes also written as Unix with small caps) is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of ATT employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and J
What Is Linux? · Linux is a generic term referring to Unix-like computer operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Their development is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration; typically all the underlying source code can
What Is BSD? · Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD, sometimes called Berkeley Unix) is the UNIX operating system derivative developed and distributed by the Computer Systems Research Group of the University of California, Berkeley, from 1977 to 1995. Historically,
How Is Linux Licensed? · Linux is licensed on the GNU General Public License. The licenses of the utilities and programs which come with the installations vary. Much of the code is from the GNU Project at the Free Software Foundation, and is also under the GPL. Some other ma
How Do I Install Linux? · Once you obtain a distribution, it will contain instructions on installation. Each distribution has its own installation program. Generally, once you've downloaded your distribution and burnt it to CD or DVD (or purchased a disk with the distribution
How Do I Get Started with Linux? · If you are new to Linux, you should start by buying or downloading a general-purpose Linux distribution. A distribution is a complete operating system, including the Linux kernel and all the utilities and software you are likely to need, ready to ins
How can I see my Local Name or Linux Version? · You can execute the command uname -a and it will display something similar to: Linux UGN 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux Useful information included equates to: Kernel Name Local Name Kernel Version Distri
Does Linux Support USB Devices? · Linux does support a wide array of USB devices, and work is underway to develop additional device drivers. There is a Web page devoted to the subject, at
Can Linux Run Microsoft Windows Programs? · We at The GoNix Initiative have a large list of Linux Alternatives to Windows Software so you can find native Linux replacements to expensive, preparatory Windows titles; but if you insist on running Windows programs within Linux we recommend WINE Wi
Why won't my system won't boot a CD or DVD? · Generally this means that the CDRom or DVD Drive in your computer is set to boot after the hard disk; this will cause a problem as usually you'll be installing Linux over a system that already has an operating system on the hard drive, so you'll need
What kind of server does this site operate on? · Our site is hosted on a Virtual Private Server, which has been provided by Stable Host (Enter promotional code VNC for discounts at checkout). Our current server specifications are (last updated: May 2016): Memory: 4GB CPU: Quad Core 2GHz OS: CentOS
Do you allow syndication of your content? · What Is Covered Summary Forum Feeds Site Feeds Customizing JavaScript Feeds Summary We provide RSS feeds for all site content. We also require that users syndicating content attribute the site (link to content) versus simply copying content to their
What BBCode/HTML is supported? · We don't allow HTML markup in articles or archive entries, instead we use what has commonly become known as BBCode (UBBCode). Most HTML tags will be converted to BBCode upon content submission, however, as more and more sites begin supporting BBCode
What do the symbols next to a persons nickname mean? · ~ = Channel Owner = SOP (Channel Operator, cannot be kicked, can add lower operations to the operator list) @ = OP (Generally AOP, can be kicked out of channel, can add lower operators to the operator list) % = HalfOp, can kick users out of channel,
What are some basic commands? · Join Channel: /join #channelname Part Channel: /part #channelname Get a List of Channels: /list Send Message: /msg username
I have been banned from a channel! · Channel owners can choose, at anytime, to ban users that don't follow the rules, or that they just don't like. This is their right as the channel owners.
Do you have SSL Support on your servers? · All of the servers in the DNS Pool support SSL Connections on ports 7000 and 7070.
Chanserv Flags · Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> The FLAGS command allows for the granting/removal of channel privileges on a more specific, non-generalized level. It supports both nicknames and hostmasks as targets. When only the channel argument is given, a listing of per
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