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How to Build a 3-Way Phone · Step by Step 1) You will need two different lines for this. okay first take off both of the boxes covering the wires 2) Take the green and red from each box and attach a wire to each of these one wire to green 1 wire to red same on the other box 3]
The Poor Man's 2600 Hertz · Hey all you phreakers! Bet you didn't know about this! It's The Poor Man's 2600 Hertz!! What the hell could I be talking about!?!? Well, let's say you're really hard up (not in your usual sense, this time). You really need to make 2600 Hertz so you
alt.locksmithing FAQ · Put together from postings by [email protected] (Joe Spike Ilacqua), and [email protected] (Henry Schaffer), with a major data collection effort by [email protected] (Scott Anguish). Edited by hes. Translated to English by [email protected] (Elizabe
Free vending machine goods · We all know those snack machines, coin machines, soda machines that allow dollar bills to be excepted. Here is a quick and easy way get all of those items for free and sometimes also making money at the same time. All you need is a dollar bill and a
The Art of Lock Picking: Lockpicking II · So you want to be a criminal. Well, if you want to be like James Bond and open a lock in fifteen seconds, then go to Hollywood, because that is the only place you are ever going to do it. Even experienced locksmiths can spend five to ten minutes on a
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Using a Wired XBox 360 Controller as a Mouse in · Using a Wired XBox 360 Controller as a Mouse in Windows What You'll Need: 1. A Wired XBox 360 Controller 2. Drivers from Microsoft (Should be automatically downloaded from Windows Update when you plug in your controller) 3. Xpadder 4. Our XBox360 Mou
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The Basics of Hacking II: Vax's Unix · Unix is a trademark of bell labs (and you know what that means) Welcome to the basics of hacking ii: vax's and unix. In this article, we discuss the unix system that runs on the various vax systems. If you are on another unix-type system, some comman
VAX-VMS Accounts · Accounts to try if you wanna enter into a VAX/VMS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Of course you can recognize a VAX when after the connection is made u listen to a BEEP and u see somenthing like: Welcome to VAX/VMS V5.4 Username: or
VAX Computer Systems · What's Hacking? A series by David Lightman SPECIAL ISSUE VAX COMPUTER SYSTEMS This is a requested discussion from Jolly Bardsman's Pub Tavern at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. If you have any requests, send me mail at any address listed below: USENET: bdunn@attctc
VAX Computer Systems 1-7 · What's Hacking? A series by David Lightman SPECIAL ISSUE VAX COMPUTER SYSTEMS This is a requested discussion from Jolly Bardsman's Pub Tavern at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. If you have any requests, send me mail at any address listed below: USENET: bdunn@attctc
VAX VMS hacking · The following text file is to be used when hacking the VAXVVMS systems. I recommend hacking these systems cause they always have good shit to mess up. Most VAXVVMS systems are easily found at colleges, like Hartnell College at 408-757-9494. Although
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Tron Box · ------------------R-----F---- I I I I I I I I- (C) (C) (C) I I I I- I I I I ----------------------------- (C)=CAPACITOR F =FUSE R =RESISTOR I,- ARE WIRE PARTS LIST: (3) ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RATED AT 50V(LOWEST) .47UF (1) 20-30OHM 1/2 WATT RESISTOR
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