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VAXs · Article

A profile on vax's, compiled by blind justice and dr. Insanity

Vax systems are almost always unix based. There are seven diffent versions of bell's unix and commands on each of them differ. Therefore this file will only go into commands common to virtually all unix and vax's.

Hacking vax's are indeed very hard, almost immpossible. The reason is this: when you connect to the system, you get a simple 'login:' prompt. They give you no chance to see what the login format is. [commonly used are; single words under 8 digits] to get past this hinderance it is suggested to check for an account called 'suggest' (suggest accounts are used to make suggestions to a system root terminal).

Once this account has been accessed we freeze the screen[control-s]. Next we send a clear screen command[system dependant]. Next we send fake line noise, anywhere from 1oo to 3oo characters[for 'effect']. Then a command to create a login account. Now we merely clear the screen again, and then unfreeze the terminal[because when the terminal is frozen it keeps a buffer of what your modem sends[usually 127 characters] your garbage has overflown it or cleared it for our intents, in the clean buffer we have a command to create a login account[system dependant]. After this we clear the screen[buffer] and unfreeze the terminal. It now implements all commands you have made, from inside[ie, you have in a sense already logged on].

What to look for? Well there have [as mr.Sikes can attest to] always been root accounts. These accounts are the most powerful accounts there are. [consider a root account like the roots of a tree. Without them where is the tree? The roots are always hidden and under protection at all times. Roots die, tree dies. Simple.]. The reason why the root account is so powerful is it is where all of the system files reside, in other words be on the look out for this account.

Unix archetechture. In unix the root directory is called root. Besides the primary root directory are several 'sub' root directories, usually to group things like; system stats, user logs, reports, programms, etc... These sub directories can prove to be as valuable if not more then the root but rarely. Then there is the 'super' user account or the sysop. Then the normal users accounts, these are best for prolonged 'phun'.

The way unix was written everything is a file to the computer. You access a program the same way you access a directory and so on. Everything belongs to the root directory. So if you have hacked the root directory then you have access to everything. Basic unix prompt is $. If you have a # prompt you have hacked the 'super' user account. To see where you are and what paths are active with your user account enter
=>[your password].

To access more paths enter

You jump from path 1 to path 3 and have access to 1, 2, and 3. You can run programs on all paths. If you cannot connect to a path then you have insufficient privilages. 'ls' generally gives you a list of commands.

Since most systems have the logoff command in the root file, the root must be accessed to log off. And because a user must enter his password at the prompt you can intercept every user who logs off by writeing a simple .Bat file to save the information to a text downloadable at your convenience. Just some plain simple shit to get you started...

____________________________________________________blind justice/doc________
. . . Another great release by the eternal nap/pa . . .
Posted By Gremelin Posted on October 21st, 2009 · Updated on December 31st, 2010
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Blind Justice and Dr. Insanity


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