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What BBCode/HTML is supported?

We don't allow HTML markup in articles or archive entries, instead we use what has commonly become known as BBCode (UBBCode). Most HTML tags will be converted to BBCode upon content submission, however, as more and more sites begin supporting BBCode you might just find yourself falling into the simplicity of it all...

Our BBCode has been factored to be w3c xHTML compliant. The BBCode start and end tags must be within brackets []. Also, you must ensure you "nest" your BBCode properly or it will not be parsed properly:
-- Proper Nesting: [Tag-A]Hello [Tag-B][Tag-C]everybody[/Tag-C][/Tag-B]![/Tag-A]
-- Improper Nesting: [Tag-A]Hello [Tag-B][Tag-C]everybody[/Tag-B][/Tag-C]![/Tag-A]

Please note that we recommend against using BBCodes which will "skew" the standard view of the site, we will however make exceptions. These tags are "color", "blink", "size", and "h tags".

Supported BBCode are as follows:
Align (align=left|center|right) - Allows you to set where the text is positioned on the page:
This text will be aligned.

Blink (blink) - Blinky Text
This code will blink (CSS)

Bold (b, strong) - Bold Text
This text will be bold.

Code (code) - Any data within the code tags will not be rendered by the users browser. Please note that BBCode will be parsed and xHTML code will be displayed.
This is a test of the CODE tag. This is the email tag as an example: [email protected]

Color (color:#hexcode) - Text Color
This text will be red.

EMail (email) - Inserts an EMail Link to the defined address:
[email protected] (eventually will be captcha protected)

Image (img) - Inserts an Image

Image with Wrapping (img:left|center|right) - Inserts an image and allows you to wrap text:
Insert Cool Text Insert Cool Text

Indent (indent) - Allows you to indent a line:
This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented. This will be indented.

Italicize (i) - Italicized Text
This text will be italicized.

More (more) - This will allow you to specify additional resources:
More: This is more data!

Quote (quote, quote=user) - Allows you to make reference to a user or quote:
This is a quote.
Quoting: Gizmo
This is a quote.

Size (size:) - Text Size
WOAH HUGE! Teenie Tiny!

Spoiler (spoiler) - Spoiler Boxes
Warning, Spoiler:
This text requires user input to be viewed.

Strikethrough (strike) - Line Through Text
This text will have a line through it.

Underline (u) - Underlined Text
This text will be underlined.

URL (url=address) - Allows you to post a link to an outside location:
UGN Security

H Tags - H Tags (h1 - h6) use our various header codes:






Posted By Gremelin Posted on October 1st, 2015
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