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Narrator is a Text-to-Speech utility for users who are blind or have impaired vision. Narrator reads what is displayed on your screen: the contents of the active window, menu options, or the text that you type.

Narrator is designed to work with the Notepad, WordPad, Control Panel programs, Microsoft Internet Explorer, the Windows desktop, and Windows Setup. Narrator may not read words aloud correctly in other programs.

Narrator has a number of options that allow you to customize the way screen elements are read.
* You can have new windows, menus, or shortcut menus read aloud when they are displayed.
* You can have typed characters read aloud.
* You can have the mouse pointer follow the active item on the screen.
* You can adjust the speed, volume, or pitch of the voice.

The accessibility tools included with Windows are intended to provide a minimum level of functionality for users with special needs. Most users with disabilities will need utility programs with more advanced functionality for daily use.

Narrator is not available for all languages and is only supported on the English version of Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Posted on May 31st, 2014
These *nix packages are similar to Narrator


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