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Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux · Review

Mark Sobell's A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux®, Second Edition, isn't just the most thorough and up-to-date reference to installing, configuring, and working with Ubuntu. It also provides comprehensive server coverage you won't find in any other Ubuntu book.

The fully updated JumpStart sections help you get complex servers running quickly. Whatever your questions may be, the completely revamped index gives you even faster access to the answers you’re searching for. And a brand new chapter on Perl programming teaches you the basics of this powerful system administration language.

Sobell walks you through every feature and technique you'll need, from installing Ubuntu to working with GNOME, Samba, exim4, Apache, DNS, NIS, LDAP, ufw, firestarter, and iptables. His exceptionally clear explanations demystify everything from system security to Windows file/printer sharing. You’ll find full chapters on running Ubuntu from the command line and GUI, administering systems and security, setting up networks and Internet servers, and much more.

Along the way, you'll learn both the "hows" and the "whys" of Ubuntu. Sobell knows every Linux nook and cranny: He's taught hundreds of thousands of readers and never forgets what it's like to be new to Linux. Whether you’re a user, administrator, or programmer, this book gives you all you need and more.

The world's most practical Ubuntu Linux book is now even more useful!

This book delivers
• Hundreds of easy-to-follow, easy-to-use examples
• Updated JumpStarts for setting up Samba, Apache, Mail, FTP, NIS, OpenSSH, DNS, and other complex servers
• Deeper coverage of the command line, GNOME GUI, and desktop customization
• Coverage of crucial Ubuntu topics such as sudo and the Upstart init daemon
• More detailed, usable coverage of Internet server configuration, including Apache, exim4, and DNS/BIND
• More state-of-the-art security techniques, including firewall setup using ufw and firestarter

Product Link: Click Here (External Link)
Rating: 4/5 (Excellent)
Posted By Gremelin Posted on May 3rd, 2016
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