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As opposed to media recorded with the DVD+VR recording standard, the resulting media are not DVD-Video compliant, and will not play back in some DVD-Video players.

Most DVD video recorders in the market that support DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD-RAM media will allow recording to these media in DVD-VR mode, as well as in a DVD-Video compliant mode.

It is possible to use the DVD-VR format with DVD+R and DVD+RW media, but no examples are known other than some PC based recording utilities.

The standard was introduced in 1999 by the DVD Forum, and licensing is managed by the DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation.

For each of the supported media, the full recording standard consists of three parts being: Physical Specifications (Part 1), File System Specifications (Part 2), and the Video Recording Specifications (Part 3).
Posted By Gremelin Posted on September 30th, 2015
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1 Terms Associated with DVD-VR



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