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The GoNix Initiative - Decommissioned · Blog
It is with a heavy heart that I formally announce that our child project The GoNix Initiative is now decommissioned.
We created this project in May of 2009 to help demystify Linux for new users. Where the project started off strong, and with heavy initial interest, it never took off as planned; with an average monthly unique user count of ~100 users.
However, I have worked a long set of hours over the last couple of weeks planning, inserting data, and coding, to ensure that all content is now available here on UGN Security in our new Linux section!
Posted on May 10th, 2016
We created this project in May of 2009 to help demystify Linux for new users. Where the project started off strong, and with heavy initial interest, it never took off as planned; with an average monthly unique user count of ~100 users.
However, I have worked a long set of hours over the last couple of weeks planning, inserting data, and coding, to ensure that all content is now available here on UGN Security in our new Linux section!
Posted on May 10th, 2016
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