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Learn How to Install Ubuntu Linux in 5 Minutes · Video

A Tutorial: Ubuntu Linux is a completely free open-source operating system that has many useful features and abilities, and this guide will show you how to try this new OS without harming your Windows system, and it only takes five minutes to learn!

This guide will show you how to:
-Download and burn the Ubuntu image to CD
-Shrink the Windows installation to make room for Ubuntu
-Boot to the Ubuntu live CD and begin the installation process
-A step-by-step description of what options to choose and when during the installation, including how to manually partition Ubuntu on your hard drive

This guide was created for Windows Vista (using the disk manager to shrink Windows and make room for Linux) but should work with Windows XP as well as any version where you can shrink the partition through the control panel. This guide was designed for systems with a single hard disk, but may be used on a multiple hard-disk system with minor changes.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on May 31st, 2014
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