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AGP · Accelerated Graphics Port
AGP has now come to replace a lot of PCI video cards due to its superior performance, most modern motherboards have an AGP slot as standard. Some motherboards come with an AGP graphics card built-in.
You will see AGP cards advertised with different specifications, including throughput (bandwidth), here is a summary of the throughput they refer to:
1X - 266MBps
2X - 533MBps
4X - 1.07GBps
8X - 2.1GBps
Obviously the higher the throughput the better, although nowadays most video cards run at 8X.
Posted on September 30th, 2015
You will see AGP cards advertised with different specifications, including throughput (bandwidth), here is a summary of the throughput they refer to:
1X - 266MBps
2X - 533MBps
4X - 1.07GBps
8X - 2.1GBps
Obviously the higher the throughput the better, although nowadays most video cards run at 8X.
Posted on September 30th, 2015
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