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knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on hk_classes and is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Knoda allows you to:
* define and delete databases;
* create, alter and delete tables and indices;
* add, change and delete data in tables;
* define, execute and store sql queries;
* define, execute and store queries with a "query by example" GUI;
* create, alter and delete views;
* import and export CSV data;
* define and use forms;
* define and print reports; and
* write your own extensions using the integrated Python interpreter as scripting language

Its driver concept allows a uniform connection to different database servers (Dbase/Xbase, Firebird, MS Access/Mdbtools, Mysql , Paradox, Postgresql, SQLite or ODBC).
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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