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SciGraphica-2.0.0 is finally available for download. The new version is a port to Gtk+-2.x that relies on the new libscigraphica libraries. These libraries are the kernel of the program and provide all the widgets and dialogs, as well as the new plugin system. This new plugin system will allow users and developers to create their own plot types, menu items with new functionality (such as fitting -- already included), data styles, file formats, and interfaces to other programs. Now, you can easily add plotting capabilities to your own programs by taking advantage of the libscigraphica API.

SciGraphica is a scientific application for data analysis and technical graphics. It pretends to be a clone of the popular commercial (and expensive) application "Microcal Origin". It fully supplies plotting features for 2D, 3D and polar charts. The aim is to obtain a fully-featured, cross-plattform, user-friendly, self-growing scientific application. It is free and open-source, released under the GPL license.

* You can plot functions and manipulate data in worksheets.
* You can open several worksheets and plots and work with them interactively and at the same time.
* The plots are fully configurable using a control panel dialog.
* The look and feel is completely WYSIWYG.
* Production/Publication quality PostScript output.
* You can interact with the plots double-clicking, dragging and moving objects with the mouse.
* Native XML file format.
* You can insert Python expressions in the worksheets.
* Terminal with command-line Python interface for interacting with plots and worksheets

It is completely programmed in C from scratch, using the GTK+ and GtkExtra libraries, and released under the GPL agreement.
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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