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Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME. Ekiga uses both the H.323 and SIP protocols. It supports many audio and video codecs, and is interoperable with other SIP compliant software and also with Microsoft NetMeeting.

SIP Features
* SIP compliant
* Registrar support
* Possibility to simultaneously register to several accounts
* Proxy support
* Outbound Proxy support
* Call Hold
* Call Transfer
* Call Forwarding on no answer, on busy, always
* Configurable port ranges
* Instant Messaging
* RFC2833 DTMFs support
* Message Waiting Indications Support
* ENUM support
* Transparent NAT Support using STUN
* SIP re-INVITE support
* SIP/SIMPLE Presence support
* Line Monitoring
* Extended presence publishing
* Full SIP capabilities exchange for codecs
* SIP INFO DTMF support
* Ability to simultaneously handle several network interfaces

H.323 Features
* H.323v4 Compliant
* H.245 Tunneling and Fast Start
* Gatekeeper (RAS) Support
* H.235 Annex D. Support
* Gateway/Proxy Support
* H.450.1 Call Hold
* H.450.2 Call Transfer
* H.450.3 Call Forwarding on No Answer, on Busy, Always
* Configurable Port Ranges
* RFC2833, Q.931, and Inband DTMF support
* ENUM support
* Transparent NAT support using STUN

Codecs Features
* iLBC, GSM-06.10, MS-GSM, G.711-Alaw, G.711-uLaw, G.726, G.721 and Speex audio codecs
* H.261 support
* Dynamic Jitter Buffer
* Dynamic threshold algorithm for Silence Detection
* Echo Cancellation
* Wideband Codec Support
* Codecs as plugins
* Intel IPP Codecs
* H.263+ support
* H.264 support
* THEORA support
* MPEG4 support
* Framerate up to 30 FPS
* Resolutions up to 704x576

General Features
* Integration with Novell Evolution
* LDAP Support
* Advanced Address Book
* Calls History
* Dialpad
* Rendez-Vous support
* In call Instant-Apply of Settings
* GConf and external Configuration
* Possibility for administrators to block some settings
* OSS and ALSA compatible soundcards support
* Video4Linux, Video4Linux 2 and Firewire Cameras support
* Devices Auto-Detection
* Configurable sound events
* Configuration Assistant
* Manual
* HIG compliant GUI
* KDE and GNOME compatibility
* Translated into many languages
* Buddy List
* Status support
* Devices hotplug
* Network interfaces hotplug
* Accelerated full screen video conferencing
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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