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The xconsole program displays messages which are usually sent to /dev/console. Xconsole accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options along with the additional options listed below.


* -file file-name: To monitor some other device, use this option to specify the device name. This does not work on regular files as they are always ready to be read from.

* -notify -nonotify: When new data are received from the console and the notify option is set, the icon name of the application has " *" appended, so that it is evident even when the application is iconified. -notify is the default.

* -daemon: This option causes xconsole to place itself in the background, using fork/exit.

* -verbose: When set, this option directs xconsole to display an informative message in the first line of the text buffer.

* -exitOnFail: When set, this option directs xconsole to exit when it is unable to redirect the console output.

* -saveLines count: When set, xconsole only preserves count lines of message history instead of growing the text buffer without bound (a count of zero - the default - is treated as placing no limit on the history).
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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