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The uniq command strips duplicate lines from a specified file and then sends them to either another file or to standard output file if no file is named.

* -c: Counts duplicate lines.
* -d: Returns duplicate lines, but not unique lines.
* -fn: Skips the first n field of a line. Fields are separated by spaces or tabs.
* -sn: Skips the first n character of a field. Fields are separated by spaces or tabs.
* -u: Returns unique lines, and duplicate lines are sent to either.
* -w n: Compares the first n character of a line.
* -n: Skips the first n field of a line. Fields are separated by spaces or tabs.
* +n: Skips the first n character of a field. Fields are separated by spaces or tabs.
* --check-chars=n: Compares the first n character of a line.
* --skip-chars=n: Skips the first n character of a field. Fields are separated by spaces or tabs.
* --skip-fields=n: Skips the first n field of a line. Fields are separated by spaces or tabs.
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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