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In computing, twm (originally Tom's Window Manager, then Tab Window Manager and now Timeless Windows Manager) is the standard window manager for the X Window System, version X11R4 onwards. It is a re-parenting window manager that provides title bars, shaped windows and icon management, and is extensively configurable.

twm was a breakthrough achievement in its time, but has been largely superseded by other window managers. Despite being obsolete, it made a strong impact on the development of X window managers. Many others, such as vtwm, tvtwm (also by LaStrange), CTWM, FVWM and their derivatives, were built on its code, while many others used concepts pioneered by it.

Although it is now generally regarded as the window manager of last resort, a small but dedicated minority of users favor twm for its simplicity, customizability, and light weight â€" partly due to being written in C directly against Xlib rather than based on a widget toolkit. twm is still standard with the X.Org reference implementation and is available as part of many X distributions. The Knoppix live CD will resort to twm if the computer it is running on lacks the RAM for a more sophisticated window manager.
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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