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The stty command returns and changes terminal settings. If no arguments, stty returns the current settings which are: baud rate, line discipline number, and line settings that have been changed by stty sane.

Non-Option Settings:

The opposite behaviors can be achieved if you add it with -.

clocal -Disabled the modem control signals.

cread -Allows input to be received.

crtscts -Enables RTS/CTS

cstopd -Uses 2 stop bits per character.

hup -Sends a hang-up signal when last process closes tty.

hupc1 -Sends a hang-up signal when last process closes tty.

parenb -Generates parity bit in output and expects parity in input.

parodd -Sets odd parity

Input Settings:

The opposite behaviors can be achieved if you add it with -.

brkint -Breaks cause an interrupted signal.

icrnl -Translates carriage returns to new lines.

ignbrk -Ignores breaks.

igncr -Ignores carriage returns.

ignpar -Ignores parity errors.

imaxbel -Enables beeping and not flushing input if input buffer is full.

inlcr -Translates newline to carriage return.

inpck -Enables input parity checking.

istrip -Strips high [8th] bit of input character.

iuclc -Translates uppercase character to lowercase.

ixany -Allows any character to restart output.

ixon -Enables XON/XOFF control.

parmrk -Marks parity errors with a 255-0 character sequence.

ixoff tandem - Enables sending of stop character when the system input buffer is full as well as sending of star character when the system is almost empty.

Output Settings:

The opposite behaviors can be achieved if you add it with -.

bs1 bs0 (np) -Sets backspace delay.

cr3 cr2 cr1 cr0 -Sets carriage return delay.

ff1 ff0 -Sets form-feed delay.

nl1 nl0 -Sets newline delay.

ocrnl -Translates carriage return to new line.

ofdel -Uses delete characters for fill instead of null.

ofill -Uses padding characters instead of timing for delays.

olcuc -Translates lowercase character to uppercase characters.

onlcr -Translates newline to carriage-return line.

onlret -Uses newline as a carriage return.

onocr -Does not print carriage returns in the first column.

opost -Postprocesses output.

tab3 tab2 tab1 tab0 -Sets horizontal tab delay.

vt1 vt0 -Sets vertical delay.


-a -Prints current settings.
-g -Prints settings in a form that can be used by another stty command.
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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