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Pearl box · Article

==Phrack Inc.==

Volume Three, Issue 28, File #5 of 12

|| ||
|| A Real Functioning PEARL BOX Schematic ||
|| ||
|| Written, Tested, and Used ||
|| ||
|| by Dispater ||
|| ||
|| July 1, 1989 ||
|| ||

Introduction: After reading the earlier renditions of schematics for the Pearl
Box, I decided that there was an easier and cheaper way of doing the same thing with an IC and parts you probably have just laying around the house.

What Is A Pearl Box and Why Do I Want One?
A Pearl Box is a tone generating device that is used to make a wide range of single tones. Therefore, it would be very easy to modify this basic design to make a Blue Box by making 2 Pearl Boxes and joining them together in some fashion.

A Pearl Box can be used to create any tone you wish that other boxes may not. It also has a tone sweep option that can be used for numerous things like detecting different types of phone tapping devices.

Parts List:
CD4049 RCA integrated circuit
.1 uF disk capacitor
1 uF 16V electrolitic capacitor
1K resistor
10M resistor
1meg pot
1N914 diode
Some SPST momentary push-button switches
1 SPDT toggle switch
9 Volt battery & clip
and miscellaneous stuff you should have laying around the house.

State-of-the-Art-Text Schematic:
+ 16V 1uF -
| ! ! || | _
| _______________________ |__________| |/| 8ohms
____|__|_____:__|__:__|_ | __________| | |
| 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | | | |_||
| CD4049UBE | | |
|_1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8_| : | _
| | |__| |__| | |____________________|_________[-]
| | ! ! : [b]
| |__________________________| [a]
| : : | [t]
| ! 1N914 ! ! [t]
: || : :
| | |
| 10M | |
|___///__| |
| | |
|_____||____| | <-- These 2 wires to the center pole
|| | | of switch.
.1uF 50V | |
| |
_______________________| |_____________________________
| ___[Toggle Switch]____________ |
| | | ___ |
| | | o o |
| | | ///___| |__|
|_///____/// | | ^ |
1K ^ | |____| ___ |
|___| | o o |
| ///___| |__|

(pAakala Administrator: Gary W. Krumbine
Gen Directorate Of Post & AT&T Information Systems
Phone: 35806921730 Lincroft, NJ 07738
Phone: +1 201 576 2658
MHS Gateway: mhs!telemail MHS Gateway: mhs
Administrator: Jim Kelsay Administrator: AT&T Mail MHS
GTE Telenet Comm Corp Gateway
Reston, VA 22096 AT&T
Phone: +1 703 689 6034 Lincroft, NJ 08838
Phone: +1 800 624 5672

Previously known as Intermail, the Commercial Mail Relay (CMR) Service is a mail relay service between the Internet and three commercial electronic mail systems: US Sprint/Telenet, MCI-Mail, and DIALCOM systems (i.e. Compmail, NSFMAIL, and USDA-MAIL).
An important note: The only requirement for using this mail gateway is that
the work conducted
Posted By Gremelin Posted on September 27th, 2009 · Updated on December 31st, 2010
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