| Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14 Junior Member | Junior Member Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14 | I realy need to know how i get the operating system Unix, and if it runs alone or can be used together with the windows xp operating system. and i also wonder if i find some numbers with a scanner, how do i go further how do i dial them with my modem??, i don't understand:question:! I run win xp on my box and wonder if its ideal for hacking. Plz reply!! And plz post some good sites where i can get some more info or manuals about hacking. 
I take pride in being a newbie cus i already know the facts that it`s not about being a little [censored] head who brags to all his friends about [censored] up a random guy`s hotmail account and hacking into someones system and do worthless [censored] that does no good. It`s all about info and i wanna be in on it, i wanna learn.
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| | | Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 89 Junior Member | Junior Member Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 89 | www.blacksun.box.sk xp is not ideal for hacking. you can't download Unix. i think.
I am beyond God, I am human. I am the razorblade on the communion vein.
| | | | Joined: Sep 2002 Posts: 390 UGN Member | UGN Member Joined: Sep 2002 Posts: 390 | It depends on what unix distro you want, there are alot out there. Here are some sites. http://www.freebsd.org http://www.netbsd.org http://www.openbsd.org Also you may want to check out some linux distros like slackware, gentoo..etc, you may want to search on http://www.google.com for 'Linux Distros' Yes you can dual boot unix, or linux with windows xp. Also, to get manuals and newbie material about hacking you may want to check out other posts to this forum specifically the one entitles 'pert scanners' have some good links for tutorials and such.
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." -Albert Einstein Tech Ninja Security | | | | Joined: Sep 2002 Posts: 390 UGN Member | UGN Member Joined: Sep 2002 Posts: 390 | Nagachaak, since when can't you hack using windows XP? Did I miss that windows update or somthing?
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." -Albert Einstein Tech Ninja Security | | | | Joined: Mar 2002 Posts: 815 nobody | nobody Joined: Mar 2002 Posts: 815 | That's http://blacksun.box.sk no www... XP is just fine for hacking. The big question around here lately is if linux is better for hacking than windows. The truth is, "The OS doesnt make the hacker". It doesnt matter what operating system you use that isn't going to be any better or worse. There are things about linux that make it a more ideal programming environment, like most everything is open source on it. People can do just as much on windows. Unix is not a free operating system. Linux is. The reason people interested in computers should run linux is that it takes more technical knowledge to run and manitain a linux machine that it does to point and click your way around windows. It will give you a better understand of how things work you learn a lot trying to accomplish simple tasks and using the linux command line gets you more familiar with programming, which linux almost forces you to use. On the other hand you could choose to do away with the user friendliness of windows and start digging in its guts and find out whats really going in your system, learn the registry, the command line, your systems folders and what everything is doing. Bend and tweak your system till its unrecognizable as a windows box. Get a compiler and learn to code make the machine do what you want it to do. I enjoy the texts this guy writes. http://www.ankitfadia.com/ | | | | Joined: Sep 2002 Posts: 390 UGN Member | UGN Member Joined: Sep 2002 Posts: 390 | Very nice overview sinetific. I couldn't have said it better myself.
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." -Albert Einstein Tech Ninja Security | | | | Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 89 Junior Member | Junior Member Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 89 | shinobi, i said it isn't ideal. but that's all about taste. =)
I am beyond God, I am human. I am the razorblade on the communion vein.
| | | | Joined: Nov 2002 Posts: 1,146 Likes: 1 UGN News Staff | UGN News Staff Joined: Nov 2002 Posts: 1,146 Likes: 1 | I like FreeBSD = )
I love the ports. Saves you a lot of time searching for downloads. Good artists copy, great artists steal.
-Picasso | | | | Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14 Junior Member | Junior Member Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14 | Thanks for all the great reply`s i got lots of useful info here!!!! But i still wonder how i go further with a phone number that i got from a port scanner, i have read lots tutorials and info and manuals but they all say, the same, to call the number with your modem, but how do i do that, plz give me a step by step, i run win xp just so yo can relate to that if you deside to reply.
I take pride in being a newbie cus i already know the facts that it`s not about being a little [censored] head who brags to all his friends about [censored] up a random guy`s hotmail account and hacking into someones system and do worthless [censored] that does no good. It`s all about info and i wanna be in on it, i wanna learn.
| | | | Joined: Jun 2002 Posts: 207 Member | Member Joined: Jun 2002 Posts: 207 | well, unless i missed something, you cna't get a phone number from a port scanner. but if you meant a port number, then all you have to do is figure out what port it is, what service that is, ei 21 is ftp, 22 is ssh, 23 is telnet, 80 is http. etc etc....then read up on that. figure out the commands for ftp, the connnect and maybe it's anonymous. but yeah, just google the service. "using ftp" will give you some good results.//
Unbodied unsouled unheard unseen Let the gift be grown in the time to call our own Truth is natural like a wind that blows Follow the direction no matter where it goes Let the truth blow like a hurricane through me
| | | | Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14 Junior Member | Junior Member Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14 | i probably meant a port number yes!! im new to hacking you see. but can you plz give me a step by step if its possible. cus i got a number using the a-dial port scanner but as i read in the tuturials it was just to call up the numbers somehow, i don`t understand this!!??
I take pride in being a newbie cus i already know the facts that it`s not about being a little [censored] head who brags to all his friends about [censored] up a random guy`s hotmail account and hacking into someones system and do worthless [censored] that does no good. It`s all about info and i wanna be in on it, i wanna learn.
| | | | Joined: Jun 2002 Posts: 207 Member | Member Joined: Jun 2002 Posts: 207 | ports are used for communication between computers. they're more correctly called sockets. there's pleanty of information out there on the net. google it. http://www.ankitfadia.com/portscan.htm http://www.insecure.org/ //
Unbodied unsouled unheard unseen Let the gift be grown in the time to call our own Truth is natural like a wind that blows Follow the direction no matter where it goes Let the truth blow like a hurricane through me
| | | | Joined: Feb 2004 Posts: 8 Junior Member | Junior Member Joined: Feb 2004 Posts: 8 | AlexNiewbePhreaker/Hacker: I suggest you souldn't use the word "hacker" cause you don't know what it means, and you are far.... away from it!
Cheers DancinG_GalaxY
still alive...
| | | | Joined: Oct 2002 Posts: 616 UGN Super Poster | UGN Super Poster Joined: Oct 2002 Posts: 616 | Few do anymore, it always starts to blend into a warped ignorant view once in a while. But then the defintion "hacker" is an amalgamation. So one person never will even get close. It's more about what a person references it toward, a cracker is someone that gets into things illegally, and steal or otherwise destroys. i.e. People use it crack safes. But that's about as far as I'll go on this dicussion.
Other then that some things here are against tos/policy, and some aren't. Some people live by rules so as to not have jackasses, idiots, with the saints, teachers, and masters. Some believe in equality, and some believe there is a better definition to equality. One where people show how equal they should be, not just speak it. Not just show it, but bleed, it, not just bleed it, but die for it ever day. In ever word, in this world, belief is absolute perception, but if you practice what you preech you never should need to even show what you say.
Well if that "portscanner" was dialing phone numbers it wouldn't be, it would be a wardialer:) Nastalic:D Meh, yep google the portscanning [censored], tos/policy fearness. Go gollum:)
I will say however telnet is something used in every o/s for connectivity. It's very useful in checking your private networks over for your own security.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!"
| | | | Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 3,255 Likes: 3 UGN Elite | UGN Elite Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 3,255 Likes: 3 | Originally posted by Nagachaak: www.blacksun.box.sk
xp is not ideal for hacking.
you can't download Unix. i think. *snickers* UNIX developed at bell labs in 1969 was the [censored] child of an OS that almost never happened called MULTIX(Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) or something like that. Anyway, Bell(back then Ma bell) and many of the other vendors pulled out saying it would never work, or it isn't worth the money. You get the idea. Multics was worked on from 1965 to 1969 when Bell labs withdrew support. Bell Labs still had all thier code and notes on the project. Bell labs would not fund any similar projects because this last one failed to yeild profit and results. A small group of researchers at bell labs however saw the potential of Multics and beged for equipment to develop thier own OS. This allways ended up the same. No funding. The breakthrough came when Ken Thompson found a little-used PDP-7. This relatively small, inexpensive computer with a video terminal became the first computer to run UNIX. Ken Thompson wrote the initial operating system while his wife was on vacation for a month � allocating a week each to operating system, a command-line shell, a text editor to write programs with, and a PDP-7 assembler to turn the files created with the text editor into machine code. Interestingly, it wouldn't be until 1970 that the name "UNIX", a pun on "Multics", was coined. Some of the above is copy and paste from here http://www.macos.utah.edu/Documentation/MacOSXClasses/macosxone/unix.html In 1975 Ken Thompson, Bell Labs... The same man gave birth to UNIX took leave to teach at UC Berkeley. By 1977 Ken had had his students, 2 of them actualy re-write UNIX and make improvements. Not sure, but I belive not 1 line of code was the same. This becams 1BSD (Berkeley system distribution). See BSD logo below HTML and the first webbrowsers can be tied to a UNIX OS as well. Till eventualy we come to a *NIX clone version called Minx. A young lad by the name of Linus was using the OS MINIX. He had problems with certain things and wrote the creators and was told screw you this is our OS. Not realy, but they refused to make his changes. So Linus started making his out UNIX like kernnel. He went in his basement and worked for a realy long time with out a break. At least an hour at a time. When he rose up to the world again he had given birth to the LINUX kernnel. He later teamed up the GNU guys and they released the GNU/Linux OS. open source/free software was born, or had a really big shove in the right direction. Here is the dael guy. UNIX - Not free. Actualy very expensive. Usally requires special computers to run it. Who owns it, well many people. That is another ball of string to untangle. Some true UNIX systems are AIX AT&T UNIX v5r5 Solaris BSD - Some are free, Some are not. The BSD license is not the same as the LINUX license. It allows vendors for charge for thier version of the OS. Many will run on your PC. But not in windows XP. This is it's own opperating system. (I know there are ways guys but let him crawl first(VMWARE)). Some versions are Open BSD Free BSD Net BSD BSDi Linux - Linux kernnel and the GNU software(anything releasd under the GPL License). some versions are Red Hat Slackware(the first and some would say still the best) Mandrake Debian Gentoo and sooooo many more. So quick wrap up. All these systems will behave very similar. LINUX, and BSD were made to be exactly like UNIX but better. They are all POSIX compliant. That all have similar shells. So what is the difference? Some you can see the code. Some you can run on PC's. Some you do not have to pay for. Some will allow you to change you code anyway you want and encourage you to give that change away. LINUX BSD UNIX 3 different things that are very much alike. | | | | Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 89 Junior Member | Junior Member Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 89 | right, thanks for that extremly thorough answer. =)
I am beyond God, I am human. I am the razorblade on the communion vein.
| | | | Joined: Feb 2002 Posts: 7,203 Likes: 11 Community Owner | Community Owner Joined: Feb 2002 Posts: 7,203 Likes: 11 | BSDi is the closest you'll ever get to running a true UNIX distribution... I have a copy aroudn my house somewhere, it's a pay to use distro however... | | | | Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 3,255 Likes: 3 UGN Elite | UGN Elite Joined: Dec 2002 Posts: 3,255 Likes: 3 | The below is taken from http://www.macos.utah.edu/Documentation/MacOSXClasses/Assets/openstep1.png 1985 � NeXT (back to top) One of the early adopters of Mach was a new computer company called NeXT. NeXT was founded by Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Computer, when he left Apple following a failed attempt to take control of Apple back from John Sculley. The NeXTSTEP operating system was released in 1988. It used the Mach microkernel, and added elements of 4.3BSD. It incorporated an advanced GUI � arguably the most advanced available at the time. NeXT's engineers even created a new programming language � Objective C � to take advantage of the new GUI. The first web browser was created on a NeXT computer, as was the first definition of the HTML standard. (HTML is the technology that makes web pages.) NeXTSTEP 2.0 was released in 1990, and added the Interface Builder � which made the process of creating graphical interface elements, previously a difficult process for programmers, easy � real-time spell checking, dynamic loading/unloading of hardware drivers, and full networking � even NetWare and AppleTalk support. NeXTSTEP 3.x added in internationalization, a 3D Graphics Kit, and a Database Kit. NeXTSTEP originally only ran on NeXT's unique brand of computers. Because these computers � although very advanced technologically � were expensive, NeXT decided to port NeXTSTEP to other computer platforms in 1993. Eventually NeXTSTEP was ported to x86, HP PA-Risc, and SPARC computers. However, because HP and SPARC computers already had advanced UNIX variants, and Windows 3.1 was already so entrenched on the x86 platform, NeXTSTEP didn't sell well. NeXT replaced NeXTSTEP with OpenStep 4.0 as a programming environment for the last year it existed. A screenshot of OpenStep. Click for an enlarged version. Mac OS X users may recognize the precursors of the Dock and Column View. NeXT's technology was saved in 1996 when Apple Computer began looking for a new, fully modern, operating system to replace the aging Mac OS. After considered other, modern operating systems, Apple settled on NeXT. Learn UNIX man, it is the foundation for all networking. IMO | | |
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