How to run programs as services:
First of all you need Instsrv.exe is the program used to create a Windows service, and Srvany.exe is a program that allows almost any other program to run as a service. Download them
Now let's say you install the FTP program to "c:/ftpprog". Put Instsrv.exe and Srvany.exe in the directory where your program is instaled ("c:/ftpprog").
Now go to Run -> Command. CD your way untill you reach the directory where the program in installed ("cd\ftpprog").
Type "instsrv FtpProg c:\ftpprog\srvany.exe". This will create a service named FtpProg (you will get a succesfull message).
Open RegEdit (Start -> Run -> Regedit) and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\FtpProg". Here you have to do the following :
Position yourself on FtpProg (by selecting with your mouse "FtpProg" from the left window) and in the right window hit right-click -> new -> key. Name the new key "Parameters".
In the new "Parameters" key do:
right-click -> new -> String Value. Name the value "AppDirectory". Double click it and modify the Value Data field to : "c:\fold\"
right-click -> new -> String Value. Name the value "Application". Double click it and modify the Value Data field to : "c:\FtpProg\ftpprog.exe"
right-click -> new -> String Value. Name the value "AppParameters". Double click it and modify the Value Data field to : "-service"
Close RegEdit.
Close the "ftpptog.exe" program is it's running.
Open up a console (Start -> Run -> Command) and type "net start FtpProg".
There you go !
If you want to remove the FtpProg service go to : Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. Right-click the FtpProg service and click stop. Then to remove it type in a console "instsrv FtpProg remove".
This how to is working on my 2K professional, I don't know what OS you're running but I guess it will also work on your box.