thnx a lot guys... gee sinetific , guess i need to read more on protocols i guess

ok...i jus found that Outlook has an option to read email headers apart from the message properties . is this what SR is talking about...the checkbox with the "internet header ,show last recieved " ,reading the email headers reveal the ip address...hmmm intersting...but what if ,they use some "remailing" facility like :
A4proxy ( )
or some other proxy, which strips out all original email headers and info about your location and IP address, and then sends the message to its final destination...
and i guess realised that i guess i wont be able to send an email back to them coz ....itsNOT thier legitimate email they cant check it rite...waht u think...ilemme try seraching on "how to mail to an ip adress instead "

thnx again