Some time ago a project arose, it was Required Reading for Newbies; one of many projects that begun here at
UGN Security over the years.
The goal of this project was to provide users with articles which would be beneficial to furthering their knowledge in many areas (computing, telecommunications, electronics, etc).
It's been some time since that project has existed, but we still respect all of the hard work of that project, and today we bring that one step further.
I'm happy to announce that the
Recommended Reading section of the main page that was thrown into existence earlier in the year is getting some much needed love. I've been working hard and long to finish up the system and start populating new content to it.
At the time being you can just see a simple description and link to amazon; but in the future you'll be able to locate the book(s) on numerous online retailers via its ISBN tag.
We're also planning to have an image of the book(s) beside their listing as well as some other little additions (stay tuned for our Summer Code announcements coming in a few weeks).
For the time being, if you have a couple of books you'd like to recommend, just let us know! You can always
Submit a Book (since the site is built around YOU, you can always help by submitting content!).