It's been a while since I finalized version 1 of our new articles system this summer. I'm glad to say that I've begun populating the systems (finally) with the old data, so we should be having everything in a much easier to access and easier to read area soon.
Since I am doing this all solo it'll take a while to get all of the old stuff in, but if you've got some new stuff you'd like to see added, feel free to submit it! Each new system has a "submit content" page built right into it, so anyone can add their stuff (though only an admin can approve it).
It's my hope that I'll have all of this done by mid-October as a large portion of our Autumn update; I'm planning to work on the Archive as well, but that'll wait until after I've finished with the Knowledge Base (Articles).
If you have any ideas for improvement in the systems, feel free to let me know!