That is normal.
"It is pointed out that passwords only use ASCII characters 32-139, which would lead to a password that can be cracked in just a few years at 1,000,000,000 tries per second. Almost feasible - if you have a distributed network of blazing hardware and a few years to wait. Usually, none of this is true.
So, what is the solution?
It turns out that the best solution, in general, is exactly what many of the password crackers have implemented. Really, it is just an extension of already demonstrated logic. We reduce the search space by 432, 197,966,893,081,601 because of the observation that most passwords will only use ASCII codes 32-126. We can reduce this eve further if there any any other subsets we can remove.
As it turns out there are lots. For ezmaple, it is not often you will find a password such as Xtn(DJ"z, $N40NzJH, DxdL(&$&, et cetra. Most people would not be able to remeber a password with even this paltry amount of entropy. Thus, most passwords will be easier to remeber. Think about what would make a password easier to remeber.
Most people:
-Use a dictionary word.
-Use some combination of dictionary words.
-Try to obscure it somehow (such as using 1337)."
[Taken from: Fun Password Facts -by kaige, 2600 Magazine Vol 19 issue 3]
A word list will help. Not nessicarily a word list but a list of some type. If you look around the net you will find random password generators word lists and you can write programs to go through and change all the 'E's to '3's and things of that nature to add to your list. Using this will not make it fool proof but it will greatly reduce your time, and your chances of success.