I wonder if there's patterns in this disorder, gene-wise, physically, or in tune with other physical things, maybe even due to a certain environment. Bet they never do testing on things such as this. They almost never do, it's the quickest route to finding out what's really going on. I know nerves, blood, chemical reactions in grey matter, and muscle conditions can cause things like this. But 200..is a bit over the horizon of a complex physical and/or mental disfunction/disorder. Also abstinence has shown to cause some very bad effects on the body, as we are human, survival, fittests, our bodies are made for purposes, that if fought can cause problems. The reverse effect of an action can also cause a reaction that seems like it's from no where.
future note, anyone who doesn't understand me, I see a ? or a one word question, I'll be ignoring it kthx. I explain myself, and unravel my words but it takes time. Time I don't spend on sarcastic, or ignorant persons. Just a note, heh, had problems with this in the past.