well, I watched it last night, and I read the book before also, I found it was too long in some parts and skipped too much in other parts (EG, the ents), not to mention the movie was over 3 hours long, what do you think?
i thought the movie was awsome, granted i never read the books, maybe thats why i didnt have anything dissapointing about the movie. long yes, but definently great, i couldnt beileve the amount of humor they put into it.
Gizmo: Wizzy is SeXor Gizmo: Wizzy is the other half of my Gizzy
i read the lord of the rings and the history of middle earth im a huge fan. this is the best attempt at making an lotr movie yet, i dont really watch the movies till they come out on tv(hbo..etc) but i hear the two towers has the ents in it? thats more than i ever thought they'd put in, seeing as how they left tom bombadil(forgive spelling) out of the fellowship of the ring