Hi guys,
I have a shitload of PC's in my basement; all of them, you can have, there's like 3-4 of them. They're all low-end, good for linux. I can install linux on them for you (mandrake, redhat, or any other distro i can download the ISO's for) or I can put freebsd on them. Buy one or all of them.
Here's a rough roster:
2 P100Mhz
2 P200Mhz
1 P75Mhz
Can come with a few monitors if you like, all have gfx/network/hard drive/floppy drive/cd drives in them. All of them work, I'll turn them on, log into linux, and log out to make sure of this before I ship them.
You can pay me anywhere from $20 to $3000 for these bitches, but you have to pay shipping, which you supply your zipcode for and i'll calculate it out.
This is a cheap, easy way to get linux with no hassles of installation. And it's a reason for you to stop griping about not having such and such to hack with.
IM me scallion9000 on AIM or jferr007@odu!edu (replace ! with .) with questions.