Well, I decided to release this on here for shits and giggles... Actually, Sin told me to so bah smirk...

; Gizmo's mIRC Web Search Script. v1.5
; Created for UGN Security (http://www.undergroundnews.com)
; UGN IRC Server: irc.undergroundnews.com 6667
; For any comments, questions, or sugguestions please feel free to get on our IRC Server.
; Search Alias
; To add an item please follow the following rule: elseif ($1 == [engine]) { /url -an [url] | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching [engine] for: $2- $+ . }
;  elseif ($1 == arrl) { 
;    if (%search.log == Enabled) { /url -an [URL] | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching [Engine] for: $2- $+ . | /write data\search.txt [ $+ [ $asctime(mm/dd/yy) at $time(HH:nn:ss) $+ ] ] $1 $+ : $2- }
;    else { /url -an [URL] | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching [Engine] for: $2- $+ . }
;  }
; Commands List:
; To Search: /Search [Engine Name] [Search Criteria]
; To Search With Default Engine: /Search [Search Criteria]
; To Toggle Search Logging: /search Log [Enable/Disable/On/Off]
; To View Logs: /Search Log View
; To toggle your default engine, replace "Google" in the final "else" line to another engine name that is specifide in the list.

alias search { 
  if ($1 == altavista) {
    if (%search.log == Enabled) { /url -an http://www.altavista.com/web/results?q= $+ $2- $+ &kgs=0&kls=1&avkw=xytx | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching AltaVista for: $2- $+ . | /write data\search.txt [ $+ [ $asctime(mm/dd/yy) at $time(HH:nn:ss) $+ ] ] $1 $+ : $2- }
    else { /url -an http://www.altavista.com/web/results?q= $+ $2- $+ &kgs=0&kls=1&avkw=xytx | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching AltaVista for: $2- $+ . }
  elseif ($1 == arrl) {
    if (%search.log == Enabled) { /url -an http://www.arrl.org/fcc/fcclook.php3?call= $+ $2- $+ &x=10&y=12 | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now looking up the Amateur Radio callsign information for: $2- $+ . | /write data\search.txt [ $+ [ $asctime(mm/dd/yy) at $time(HH:nn:ss) $+ ] ] $1 $+ : $2- }
    else { /url -an http://www.arrl.org/fcc/fcclook.php3?call= $+ $2- $+ &x=10&y=12 | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now looking up the Amateur Radio callsign information for: $2- $+ . }
  elseif ($1 == astalavista) {
    if (%search.log == Enabled) { /url -an http://astalavista.box.sk/cgi-bin/robot?srch= $+ $2- | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching Astalavista for: $2- $+ . | /write data\search.txt [ $+ [ $asctime(mm/dd/yy) at $time(HH:nn:ss) $+ ] ] $1 $+ : $2- }
    else { /url -an http://astalavista.box.sk/cgi-bin/robot?srch= $+ $2- | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching Astalavista for: $2- $+ . }
  elseif ($1 == dogpile) {
    if (%search.log == Enabled) { /url -an http://search.dogpile.com/texis/search?q= $+ $2- $+ &cat=web&top=1 | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching DogPile for: $2- $+ . | /write data\search.txt [ $+ [ $asctime(mm/dd/yy) at $time(HH:nn:ss) $+ ] ] $1 $+ : $2- }
    else { /url -an http://search.dogpile.com/texis/search?q= $+ $2- $+ &cat=web&top=1 | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching DogPile for: $2- $+ . }
  elseif ($1 == google) {
    if (%search.log == Enabled) { /url -an http://www.google.com/search?q= $+ $2- $+ &hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&lr=lang_en&sa=X&oi=lrtip8 | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching Google for: $2- $+ . | /write data\search.txt [ $+ [ $asctime(mm/dd/yy) at $time(HH:nn:ss) $+ ] ] $1 $+ : $2- }
    else { /url -an http://www.google.com/search?q= $+ $2- $+ &hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&lr=lang_en&sa=X&oi=lrtip8 | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching Google for: $2- $+ . }
  elseif ($1 == yahoo) {
    if (%search.log == Enabled) { /url -an http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p= $+ $2- | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching Yahoo for: $2- $+ . | /write data\search.txt [ $+ [ $asctime(mm/dd/yy) at $time(HH:nn:ss) $+ ] ] $1 $+ : $2- }
    else { /url -an http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p= $+ $2- | /echo -a Thank you for using Gizmo's mIRC web search remote. Now searching Yahoo for: $2- $+ . }
  elseif ($1 == log) {
    if ($2 == Disable) { /set %search.log Disabled | /echo -a Search logging is now %search.log $+ . }
    elseif ($2 == Disabled) { /set %search.log Disabled | /echo -a Search logging is now %search.log $+ . }
    elseif ($2 == Enable) { /set %search.log Enabled | /echo -a Search logging is now %search.log $+ . }
    elseif ($2 == Enabled) { /set %search.log Enabled | /echo -a Search logging is now %search.log $+ . }
    elseif ($2 == On) { /set %search.log Enabled | /echo -a Search logging is now %search.log $+ . }
    elseif ($2 == Off) { /set %search.log Disabled | /echo -a Search logging is now %search.log $+ . }
    elseif ($2 == view) { /run data\search.txt | /echo -a Now displaying your search logs. }
    else {
      if (%search.log == Enabled) { /set %search.log Disabled | /echo -a Search logging is now %search.log $+ . }
      elseif (%search.log == Disabled) { /set %search.log Enabled | /echo -a Search logging is now %search.log $+ . }
  elseif ($1 == logging) { /searches log $2- }
  elseif ($1 == logs) { /searches log $2- }
  else { /searches Google $1- }
; Note, do not remove the following alias.  It is used for search logging primarily. It'll also work for making the /searches command relay to /search
alias searches { /search $1 $2- }
; End of script
; Please notify us of any script errors.

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