(NOTICE: new users do not have the privilage of advertising their services. I am co-admin and therefor have the right. :p )
I'm offering free and ad-free domain hosting for UGN members.
What I'm offering is unprofessional. The computer I use to host services, I also use for everyday activities, so there are time when it may be down due to a compulsive need to reboot or a crash. My upload bandwidth is also only 32KB/s maximum. This is not a problem with DNS hosting as the UDP packet required to make a request is typically less than 512 bytes for request and less than 512 bytes for response. However there may be times I'm under heavy uploading in which dns response times may be lagged (although I doubt it). My IP is also dynamic and every time it changes you'd have to change the dns server registry entries for your domain if you use me as a host. However, the only times I've ever seen it change in the past year is when I moved to a new location.
Recently somebody tracked me down from a DNS help forum I frequent with his DNS hosting problems. He was trying to self-host and his frequently changing IP made it impractical. He asked me if I'd host his domains for him and I agreed, flattered. I had also written up a rough sort of webbased login system so that he can manage his zone files manually.
Despite all the unprofessionalities of my service, it works, and I'm only offering it for UGN members for now. If all you're interested in is making your domains work - and you want them to work for free. Then contact me at SilentRage@
UnderGroundNews.com about DNS hosting. Make sure "DNS Hosting" is in the subject so that I don't mistake your email as spam and delete it without reading it.