Anyone, girl, women, boy, guy. kid or adult that calls wolf on sexual abuse or rape, or assault or anything physical...imo are evil. Not neive or ignorant, or just need to learn a lesson, their evil, and I agree with the jail time, they should serve it wether they'll get anything from it, or even understand. But they won't even throw them in juvy I bet if the guy does even sue. Which I doubt he will, anyone can see that from his take on this from comments given. But hey...who knows. All I know is that in many [censored] up situations out there justice is not served, there is no medium, or middle person serving that justice rightously anymore. But I hold on to my faith, and believe that human spirit will change some how. Meh...or alot of us are going to die in a coming war to equal this [censored] out that's been going on. [censored] lower the population like all the other wars. All I got to say other then that is evil begets evil, and lieing is evil. Esp when it's something like that, you can't say anymore kids don't understand that [censored], being forced through media, and tv with it. They understand it, they do it, kids today know how to social, and corrupt younger and younger then we ever were able to.
My hope goes out that the world gets better, better then the [censored] that's been going on in the last half a decade. [censored] sick times.