[14:47] <Guest84139> what is the difference between a static and dynamic ip?
[14:47] <Ghost> dynamic does change, static doesnt
[14:48] <Guest84139> do you get a staic and dynamic ip every time u log on
[14:48] <Ghost> no
[14:48] <Guest84139> to the internet
[14:48] <Ghost> no
[14:49] <Guest84139> the static stays the same and the dynamic changeS?
[14:49] <Ghost> you only have one or the other
[14:49] <Ghost> if you have dynamic your ip changes
[14:49] <Ghost> if you have static it always stays the same
[14:49] <Guest84139> who assihns your ip?
[14:49] <Guest84139> ur isp?
[14:50] <Ghost> yes
[14:51] <Guest84139> what does an ip tell someone about ur com,puter?
[14:51] <Ghost> what?
[14:52] <Deffy> it gives your exact position in the world
[14:52] <Ghost> no
[14:52] <Deffy> down to your grid square
[14:52] <Deffy> so the cops can find you
[14:52] <Ghost> er ya it does
[14:52] <Ghost> heh
[14:52] <Deffy> and beat your punk [censored] down
[14:53] <Guest84139> i see
[14:53] <Deffy> yeah, thats why 1337 people like us don't have IP's
[14:53] <Ghost> yeah
[14:53] <Guest84139> how can you not have an ip?
[14:54] <Ghost> magic
[14:54] <Deffy> and our super skills
[14:54] <Deffy> we are further then 1337
[14:55] <Deffy> we have reached the level known as j337
[14:55] <Deffy> and one's your j337, your better then everyone
[14:55] <Guest84139> u have an ip spoofer
[14:55] <Ghost> no we dont have ips
[14:56] <Guest84139> how can you not have ips if your isp assigns you one every time you connect
[14:56] <Deffy> we don't use ISP's
[14:56] <Ghost> we are joking
[14:56] <Ghost> thats how
[14:57] <Guest84139> oh
[14:57] <Guest84139> what do you use instead?
[14:57] <Deffy> We directly connect to the fiberoptic lines between routers
[14:57] <Deffy> allowing us to "float" on the network
[14:58] <Guest84139> so you only have to pay for the line charge and not the isp cash too?
[14:58] <Deffy> no
[14:59] <Deffy> we don't even have a line charge
[14:59] <Deffy> we just tap in
[14:59] <Ghost> heh
[14:59] <Deffy> it's not that hard
[14:59] <Deffy> just need to know where the special fiberoptic lines are
[14:59] <Guest84139> really are you messin wiv me
[14:59] <Guest84139> you have broadband?
[15:00] <Ghost> no fiber is narrow band
[15:00] <Guest84139> so ur on 56k?
[15:00] <Deffy> um no
[15:00] <Deffy> like I said
[15:00] <Ghost> fiber
[15:00] <Ghost> like he said
[15:01] <Deffy> we are on the huge fiberoptic lines between routers
[15:01] <Deffy> we have near infinte bandwidth
[15:01] <Guest84139> but how do you find the fiberoptics?
[15:01] <Ghost> metal detector
[15:02] <Deffy> and maps
[15:02] <Deffy> just call your town hall and ask
[15:02] <Deffy> say you are a construction company
[15:03] <Guest84139> lol
[15:03] <Guest84139> how common are lines?
[15:03] <Guest84139> i live in a rural area
[15:03] <Deffy> not very, only between major areas
[15:03] <Guest84139> you both live in major citys?
[15:03] <Deffy> no
[15:03] <Ghost> i live next door to him tho
[15:04] <Deffy> I am tapping mine off of the line that comes in to Boston
[15:04] <Ghost> he lets me use it
[15:04] <Ghost> and im using his line
[15:04] <Deffy> I am tapping the line that connects the Eastern Coast to Europe
[15:04] <Deffy> and then using a Satilite tap to get it up here
[15:04] * insomniacman has joined #
UnderGroundNews[15:04] <Deffy> all very simple really
[15:05] <Deffy> once you get the astrological data grid uploaded and learn where all the points of visiblity are for the satilites
[15:05] <insomniacman> how long did it take you to learn how to hack
[15:05] <Deffy> and hell I have most of it automated
[15:05] <Deffy> about a week
[15:05] <Ghost> 27 years
[15:06] <Deffy> it's easy
[15:06] <insomniacman> what country are you in
[15:06] <Deffy> there are no countries here
[15:06] <Deffy> only 1's and 0's
[15:06] <Deffy> we are at one with the cyberverse
[15:06] <insomniacman> is it illegal to visit this site from the usa
[15:07] <Ghost> why the hell would it be?
[15:07] <insomniacman> because the government is sensitive about losing any hold on people
[15:07] <Deffy> when you are one with the internet... it becomes all you know
[15:07] <Deffy> until you know all of it
[15:07] <Ghost> hey inosmnica have you read the constitiopm latley?
[15:07] <Deffy> since you don't ever sleep
[15:08] <Ghost> constitution*
[15:08] <Ghost> you have the right to anything protected by the constitution
[15:08] <insomniacman> yeah i have but there have been people charged with "suspition of hacking " or being associated with hacking
[15:08] <Ghost> and visiting whatever web sites you want is protected
[15:09] <Ghost> since when?
[15:09] <insomniacman> lately it was on the news
[15:09] <Ghost> well the news is wrong
[15:09] <insomniacman> people are going to jail just for speaking out about the government
[15:09] <insomniacman> have you heard about sherman
[15:09] <Ghost> thats freadom of speech
[15:10] <Ghost> they cant arrest you
[15:10] <insomniacman> go to raisethefist.com
[15:10] <Ghost> no
[15:10] <insomniacman> i just wanted to learn how to hack
[15:10] <insomniacman> im a noob
[15:10] <Ghost> then learn how
[15:10] <Ghost> if you wnat to
[15:10] <Ghost> then go learn
[15:11] <insomniacman> im trying to learn c++
[15:11] <Ghost> dont try do it
[15:11] <insomniacman> where can i get a free UNIX os
[15:11] <insomniacman> i have been looking for one
[15:11] <Ghost> so you know what linux is?
[15:12] <insomniacman> yeah
[15:12] <insomniacman> unix is better right
[15:12] <Ghost> then download a distro of it
[15:12] <Ghost> who said that?
[15:12] <insomniacman> where
[15:12] <Ghost> google for it
[15:12] <insomniacman> my friends
[15:12] <insomniacman> so i search free linux os
[15:13] <Ghost> sure
[15:13] <Guest84139> how do you link your computer to these fiberoptic lines?
[15:13] <Ghost> fiber optic cable
[15:14] <Guest84139> surely it would look a bit obvious a big cable going to ur house?
[15:14] <Ghost> get a small one then
[15:14] <Guest84139> lol but how do you connect them to ur computers ...are these lines not in public areas?
[15:16] <Deffy> we build our own special computers
[15:16] <Deffy> far superior
[15:16] <insomniacman> ok i cant find one do you know a website i could get one for free
[15:16] <Deffy> and with special adapters
[15:16] <insomniacman> i have windows xp and i dont know how it would react with another os
[15:16] <Ghost>
ftp://www.slackware.at [15:16] <Guest84139> yes but how do you connect to these fibre optic lines without being seen?
[15:16] <Ghost> do it at night
[15:17] <Deffy> yeah, or wear camoflauge
[15:17] <Ghost> or both
[15:17] <Deffy> i go sewer ratting when I need to reconnect
[15:18] <Guest84139> sewer ratting?
[15:18] <Deffy> yes
[15:19] <Deffy> going down in the sewers and manually making the connection
[15:19] <Guest84139> so are you telling me that you can , if you wanted to, commit basically any computer crime without being caught?