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#21629 10/15/02 02:51 AM
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Okay this guy....

First off many of you know I am not beyond violence. I am for true anarchy (not blowing crap up but instead not having da man tell me what I can and can't do) Violence has it's place.

Without violence we the U.S. would still be under British/Spanish/French rule.

Without violence we might still have slavery (Yes I know the civil war was not about slavery, however slaves fought and earned some freedom and respect)

Without violence other violence goes without consequese.

Back to the sniper. Now say this person wants to stop gas consupmtion (seems to favor gass station shootings) fine. People don't listen. Death scares people. I don't agree with the means but I can see a crazy kind of logic there.

The [censored] shot a kid. 13 year old kid, blew his back out. He is fireing basicaly an M-16. Same rounds. Must be using a scop.

The day he shot the kid he left the death tarrot card with a note on it.

"Hello Mr. police officer, I am God"

This [censored] shot a inocent kid. He kills about 5 a week. 2 weeks now he has not killed or tryed on the weekend. This tells me he has

a.) a Family
b.) A brain and knows more traffic on the weekend
c.) something preventing him.

He undertands one shot and leave. He only takes one shot then bails. This tells me he is trained somehow. Most people would take a second shot if the first isn't fatal. He has a spoter to confirm kills. The news. More on that.

He has the ability to make a sht in a crowded area and escape without anyone seeing..... A couple people have lived, He is shooting center mass. That is both what hunters and soldier do. Snipers take head shots. Pro's take 2 shots. one head one center mass.

Now with the news. This guy is not your typical postal worker. What I mean is he is playing chess. He makes a move, watches the board (news). Then he makes adjustments. The news says he will not venture outside a certain mile radius. Next day a person is shot outside that radius.

To target kids and unknowing bystandars.. That is a coward. One man was talking to his wife in the car at the passenger window. She saw his chest explode onto her and the car. The kid was at school. That means he targeted a school. And Goddamnit he just shot a woman in Fairfax Va.

I just found out. If he makes it to the weekend watch. He will not kill on Saturday or Sunday. I find this to be a major clue.....

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#21630 10/15/02 05:20 AM
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The police/investigators are hopefully onto those clues, too.
... Kinda reminds me of that movie "Dirty Harry."

#21631 10/15/02 07:29 AM
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huh, damn interesting learner..

i really think you made a somekinda logic outta this all, i mean he really seems like playing chess, he must have some way or something about how he choses his VICTIMS right ??? He's probably not after revenge to someone or anything as i can tell by your post, but i think he's mad as hell about something or he's tryin to prove something.
He must be a Pro or something or maybe ex-soldier, ex-cia or dunno... or somekinda killa.

One thing i can say for sure is that this guy has no [censored] Mercy. to kill a 13 years old kid ? ohh damn that's so [censored] terrible. And yeah i think you made a really good point when you said that he watches the news and makes adjustments, thats probably what he does, he goes kinda STEP by STEP. I think that in the end of this all we'll just have one crazy motherfucker and the police will say that he's a serial killer and blla blla [censored] like that. He ain't doin this for funn probably, it just doesn't make any sense.

Btw, as these kinda peoples usually do, he probably has a way to choose his next victims, he shot kids, a man and so on... hmmm this makes me think a lot.

The motherfucker is after kids, the police should be more around schools and [censored], but since he' shots from sniper and he's damn good.. i really dunno what the hell is gonna happen. But this for sure got me interested so please learner keep me notified about this whole thing ok.. i really wanna know what happens later.

P.S. Snipers fascinate me... i'm crazy about them, if i had one i'd maybe become like the guy we're talkin about !!! (but never shoot kids).

why kids dammnit, why is he shooting kids ?


+^Born Intelligence
#21632 10/15/02 08:08 AM
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Well man...

read the main page...

The thing is he dosen't fit a serial killer profile. Most serial killers kill

1.) within thier race
2.) stick to one sex
3.) have a common tie between all victems
4.) do it up close and in person

This guy has killed Black, white, women, children, men, shot past a cop to kill on victem, and allways gets away without anyone seeing a thing during busy times of day.

Now even though he is a sniper I find this odd. You hear a gun shot you look. Snipers don't use silencers as they can [censored] up aim....

I have a hunch there is more than one also. To shoot past a cop and drive away clean..... I suspect a get away driver. Maybe multiple vehicles. It seems he got away tonight also.

#21633 10/15/02 08:11 AM
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Here is a map of where shootings have happened

Some theories

Latest news of last nights shooting

I was wrong it seems the 13 year old lived


The sniper's eighth victim was a 13-year-old boy who was shot in the abdomen after his aunt dropped him off to start the day at a middle school in Maryland's Prince George's County on October 7.

His aunt, a nurse, rushed him to a local hospital. He was airlifted to a Washington hospital where doctors removed his spleen and parts of his stomach and pancreas. He was in critical but stable condition and was on a ventilator.

#21634 10/15/02 08:15 AM
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damn i'm still reading it .. it's so interesting.

yeah you're right that why i said that he could be a seriall killer but serial killers do have a common tie between all their victims as you said.

awww i didn't know he also killed women and so on.. i thought he was only after kids.

hmm i thin he's choosin some places with big traffic, peoples and so on from which the can escape faster, and yeah it'd damn wired how he gets without anyone seing him or anything huh.

He maybe has a driver or something waitting for him, some stunt driver maybe or someone who's hell good at it, or maybe he does everything himself... yeah probably himself !!!.

This guys seems like to be ready for everything and anything, i think he's like tooo sure you know what i mean ? he has it all planed just perfectly so now he just does his thang.

P.S. Are you saying that he is using a silencer for the sniper or no ?

and yeah you said he left a message once, does he leaves messages everytime or sometimes or he left it just once.. or what ?

i think he's hell a Pro

+^Born Intelligence
#21635 10/15/02 08:24 AM
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holy [censored], in CNN i found lots more as you said learner... damn it's interesting...

btw: i read that the boy is dead anyway...

Listen now some of my own [censored] theories.

I was looking at the
Interactive: The Sniper's Trail

in the CNN website, and i found some interesting things, i was checking in the maps and reading about the victims who they were and how it happen tryin to get to some point...

He isn't choosin they're victims from the same place, profesion or something, one of em was a program analyst, the other one a carpetner, the other one a cab driver... and so on.. it doesn't make any sense, but there IS something that makes sense .. listen..

If you read good you'll realise that most of his shots happen when the victims were in the parking lots or filling up cas or something, i could read that about 5 of em were shot to death while doing such things, i mean they were near the gas stations or so when they got shot. So this would be correct if his next victim is shot near the gas station again ... gotta wait and see.

and one more terrible thing..

Could this guy maybe be a member of AL QAEDA ?

i hope he's anyone else but a member of that, that would be really terrible, coz this all seems like a revenge in innocent people, AL QAEDA did this once so i would't be surprised if they do it againt, damnn... it's so [censored] interesting..

gotta read up more.

later learner

+^Born Intelligence
#21636 10/15/02 08:27 AM
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Well he isn't too good.

He shoots center mass. That isn't a snipre shot. Center mass is a hunter or grunt soldier shot. Can be fatal, but not allways. He hasn't killed all his victems, so I think he is not a pro.

However he understands one shot then leave. That IS a sniper tactic. Sniper never waits to confirm his kill. He allways has a spoter. This guy has the news for his spoter.

I do not think he is using a silencer no. Silencers can throw accruacy off. He started taking all shell casings not leaving a trace. Now he leaves them.

As far as I knw he only left the one note on the tarrot card. However if I was the police I would not dissclose all to the press.

#21637 10/15/02 08:28 AM
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oooouu, check this out now...

Screen speculation
Attention has turned not only to video games but also to movies in an attempt to find clues to the killer's behavior. In "Malice," a 1993 thriller which aired October 3 on the TBS cable network -- a sister AOL Time Warner company with CNN -- Alec Baldwin plays a surgeon who comes under fire during a legal deposition.

"You ask me if I have a God complex?" Baldwin's character says. "Let me tell you something: I am God!"

The film's broadcast several days before the inscribed Tarot card was discovered near a Maryland school where a 13-year-old boy was shot was enough for some to conclude that it might be related. (About Tarot cards)

The theories didn't stop there. The buzz surrounding Tarot was so intense as a result of the sniper case that the American Tarot Association posted a page of "fast-facts" on its Web site.


you see the thing that baldwin said in the movie "I am God!" << now that's something pretty much same as the note that the killer left...

but still... who the hell is he ?

+^Born Intelligence
#21638 10/15/02 08:32 AM
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Well I think gas station and parking lot is just an easy shot. He also shot a guy moving his yard. I mean when you pump gas what are you doing... Standing still. Parking lot too. it you are loading a car with bags you are in one place for a few minutes.

There are theories about AL QAEDA but dosen't seem thiere style. They usaly attack many people at once to cause terror. This is too.... slow and puney to be thier style.

I think this is a Hunter that wanted to hunt bigger game. Or something along those lines.

#21639 10/15/02 08:59 AM
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Originally posted by Le4rner:

There are theories about AL QAEDA but dosen't seem thiere style. They usaly attack many people at once to cause terror. This is too.... slow and puney to be thier style.

I think this is a Hunter that wanted to hunt bigger game. Or something along those lines.
hell yeah man

btw we don't know yet, it could be AL QAEDA, this doesn't seems as their style fo far but i mean they [censored] terrosists, they changes styles every day if they want...

I think you're right about the silencer, but since the police says SNIPER he was probably using a sniper or maybe another weapon but no evidence yet.

maybe he wants a bigger game but damn this is kinda funny.. HUNTING PEOPLES lol. This guys is just a crazy motherfucker lookin for some funn.

Still lots more to come.

i just hope they'll get him before he kills more innocent people.


+^Born Intelligence
#21640 10/15/02 09:52 AM
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First of all, I think pretty much anyone who kills when it is not out of necessity, has a type of Christ complex. Come on, it is only natural to get an adrenaline rush and feel like God. It is about as close as one can come. So I don't think that is a big deal.

I believe there are two. Sounds like there is a driver in a cream colored van/truck. I am sure he must signal to the shooter. They also think they alternate.

Odd thing. They found a van fitting the description. They find a rifle, ammo same as sniper, sniper manual, tarot card, a sign that's message hasn't been made public, and a sign on dashboard saying "Gihad in America" (Think means holy war). And they say it isn't the guy. Sounds like the guy to me or atleast one of the guys. However there was an incident that took place while this guy was being questioned. So perhaps the 2nd guy acted alone?

If he gets caught it will be
1] on his own terms
2] coincidence(see Ted Bundy)

I am sure he must communicate somehow with the driver to know when is a good time to take a shot and who. So the police should be attempting to figure out how this is done. Unfortunately no matter how they communication, its too large a radius to realistically monitor.

I think he scouts locations and doesn't plan on victims. Its just whoever happens to be their during his window of opportunity.

He knows enough to know that if you have a pattern, it will lead to you getting caught, so he is trying to mix it up also. He doesn't care. A life taken is a life taken.

Obvious he is sick b/c he shot the child in front of the person dropping him off. I believe he did this on purpose and he felt more powerful by taking a kids life. And his latest dealt with shooting a woman while her husband was less than 3 feet away. So I expect children and women to become his targets from now on probably.

#21641 10/15/02 03:15 PM
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man o man

"Gihad in America" << if it's correct this thing that you said, that i'm telling you the situation will be [censored] up, Gihad i heard this word somewhere, i know it pretty good from somewhere i just can't recall in the moment damn, but i'm sure that's something related to avaganistan and so on.. i told ya guys, AL QAEDA slept it's fingers in whole this deal, the guy is problably one of em, or i hell dunno. i'll search a bit.

You said they found the rifle, a van that fits the description, some ammo and so on, he could maybe leave fingerprints or maybe no...

i'm sure police knows how to do this better than us, that's for sure, all we can do here is talk, suggest, think of possiable theories that might lead to something.

I don't know about women but as i said above too, i think he's after kids, lets wait till his next target which i truly hope there wont be any.

Damn, how can peoples do things like this !!!.



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#21642 10/15/02 06:05 PM
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Well the kid was a week ago. He has killed several since. Ji-had I think is the correct spelling. Yea it means holly war.

#21643 10/15/02 06:57 PM
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Yes i agree with you on that too, lets not foget we're talking about a seriall killer here. I don't know learner but i think it's spelled GJI HAD, maybe we're spelling it in the same way but we're writting it differently.

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#21644 10/15/02 09:42 PM
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check it out people....this [censored] actually affects me. i live all of 12 miles away from DC, the last guy killed was at the Home Depo a couple miles away. its crazy as hell. everybody is all freaked out and edgy. (i was right) 10 shot, 8 dead, 2 seriously wounded. hes soposidly driving around in either a chevy white astro van with west VA tags or a white box truck. i think 2, maybe 3 kills ago a cop was near by givving some guy a ticket and the cop hear the shot and saw the person fall all of 50 yds away from him. hes starting to get sloppy. still no one saw the killer but people have seen the astro van at many of the killings. many major highways have been shut down for miles and DC already had one of the worst traffic situations in the country. the cops were getting hundreds of calls yesterday every time a car back fired or a window broke. people are saying that there are 2 people, one shooting, one driving. odds are that there going to go down fighting. theres what i know, from someone in the neiborhood. half the people killed have been at places i have been to before.

if this continues, there going to cancel my schools football season, last game was canceled because of it.

#21645 10/15/02 09:45 PM
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lets not get stuck on the fact that he shot a kid, to turn this lets look at all the incidents of children commiting murders and such

he's just saying, that regardless of race, age, or sex you could be a target.

now lets also not get hung up on the fact that these people could be nice or that they're kids or whatever. I keep seeing these people sobbing on tv about how some guy that took one to the kidneys was such a nice guy...blah blah blah shut up!

I mean honestly, HE'S PICKING THEM AT RANDOM he doesn't care how high your karma is, you get in his crosshairs you die. End of story. Media's just hungry for sound bites

also, his records pretty decent, he's like 13 shots, 9 kills, 3 wounded or something

1 shot went into a window, 9 kills and then 3 wounded

13/9/3 is a pretty decent record if you ask me

now to learners comment about a scope, so far he's been hitting people at like 150yrds

now with a .223 you could probably do that open sights with a spoter, and being a decent shot...that would explain why he's taking body mass shots

oh, and last night he got a women in the head, moving target

I'm not really convinced it's Al-Quida, in fact I hope it's not...Bush and his Thugs could jump right on gun control bullshit if it was

But lets consider the posiblity of Al-Quida, could this be the next step in their plan? Snipers in range of the major cities around our country? doesn't seem like a bad idea to me....

the logic of the gas stations could make sense, but I think the idea that they're standing there for some time makes more sense. Just like the women he got on the bench

Members of the Guardian Angels and the New Black Panther Party are on the pump patrol this morning. Members of the volunteer public safety organization are pumping gas at stations near the beltway off Route 1. Four of the 10 sniper attacks have taken place at gas stations located within feet of an interstate or major roadway.

anyway, all in all I'm kinda in awe of this guy, finaly a serial killer that doesn't just muder in some sloppy, messy way, then hit as many and as fast as he can...get his serial killer title and then get caught

he's playing it quite well, watching his [censored], and watching the media work for him...."loose lips sink ships"

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#21646 10/15/02 10:14 PM
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I seriously doubt it is a he as much as a them. To clear out this many times this soon he has to have help. I agree it is random. The kid leads me to think it is noe Al-Quida. Reason is killing kids will not help thier cause.

Al-Quida claim to represent a religious world. Killing kids would do nothing but pull support away from that. Now I know kids died on 9/11 but they didn't target them. Ever hear of a terrorist targeting a school? How much security is in a school. It would be an easy target.

I agree more gun controll will probably come out of this... Shame realy. Another thing about Al-Quida is I think we would have heard something by now. I mean they usally claim thier work. Even if subtle. Like see what happens to infedles.

I doubt they would claim to be god. Of course I'm sure I could be wrong. I am stuck on the kid because he went out of his way to target a kid. He was targeting a school...

#21647 10/15/02 10:23 PM
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As for the sloppiness of a cop being right there, I am sure that was intentional. There was also a cop present by the Home Depot shooting. He is looking for a higher thrill. That is why I suggested kids and women. Now he may not target them, but he will surely try to up the adrenaline rush. I don't know how much more he can do before it controls him.

Seriously how long can he increase the rush he gets by using just one bullet and one person.

Also, I wasn't sure where the Tarot card was placed, but it was evidently very close to near where the boy was shot. Yet another example of needing a bigger rush.

Also the Home Depot intersection was supposed to be one of the busiest in that area.

May sound sick, but I am very interested to see how this "sniper" ups the ante.

Bush commented that no new gun laws will become of this.

The president also questions the need for new gun laws in general, Fleischer added.

"How many laws can we really have to stop crime if people are determined in their heart to violate them no matter how many there are or what they say?" he asked.

#21648 10/15/02 10:28 PM
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lol, very sick...i cant wait either...who knows, maybe he'll show up at my school and pull out an asult all talk but it dosnt effect you at all...if someone i know gets shot im gonna be pissed. on the other hand, im still rooting for the killer. im always on the bad guys side.

#21649 10/15/02 11:11 PM
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Hmmm I have always had great interests in Serial Killers and I am personally still searching for info as most of the information posted here is from CNN :-P and I aint the biggest fan of CNN.

But well some intresting theories, will "participate" soon!

The use of "hacker" to mean "security breaker" is a confusion on the part of the mass media. We hackers refuse to recognize that meaning, and continue using the word to mean, "Someone who loves to program and enjoys being clever about it."
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#21650 10/16/02 12:45 AM
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Here is a blog where the blogger has some good critical analysis and profile of the sniper. Goto Oct 14th.

#21651 10/16/02 01:41 AM
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This guy will eventually let himself get caught. Yes, let himself.
He loves the rush, he loves seeing his exploits in the news, he loves the guessing. Eventually the only way tpo "up the ante" will be to let people know who he is. What's the point if you never get credit for it?

As for what he does next . . . the media says what he's never done, what he can't do, he does it. Probably get's great kicks from it.

Anyways, I'm willing to guarantee that he does, sooner or later, let himself get caught. (he's already leaving more evidence, makes the chase more exciting.)

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#21652 10/16/02 02:30 AM
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$500,000 reward on his head! damn. lady killed yesterday has been confirmed his victim. 9 dead, 2 wounded.

i gotta disagree with you TBG. I think hes gotten into this so much that theres no way hes just going to let it end. when they catch him, and they will catch him unless he stops killing,and we all know that will not happen, he will kill as many cops as possible before they kill him. hes gonna go down fighting.

interesting facts about his random victims: lady killed survived cant excape death. she was also involved with the FBI and she was shot in a stationarry car. a black guy killed had 6 children, one of which was albino. so hes a really really white black guy. "see that freckle? thats my real skin color. really I'm black. what, you dont believe me?"

They now have 2 descriptions of the killers van, one is a chevy astro van with a roof rack and a brocken left tail light, the other is a dodge van with a roof rack

I was over by 7 corners(place of most recent killing) on there all the time

#21653 10/16/02 07:32 AM
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and i hell agree with you ohfuk, he's in deep [censored] by now, and he probably ain't even thinking about giving up.

damn i'm just still thinking to come to a close conclusion about this guy or something, too many theories, i don't know, but most of his victims are killed in standing position i think, and most of em close or in their cars. But one thing i don't undestand is, why kids damn, why kids ?

Now lots of people everywhere are making lots of good theories and analysis about this case but still there isn't so much stuff to lead to the serial killer.

And now i'm wondering, in the beggining he just left a note, than he was leaving no evidence and now he start leaving em, well maybe as TBG said he's trying to make the case more existing. But hell yeah now i'm really convinced that someone is helping him, even if not in killing, probably on escaping or something (i'd say the van he's using is the dodge one with a roof rack ohfuk).

What do you think guys, does he have a specail method or something to choose his victims or he just gets out for hunting and shots the first one he sees ? i think he has a way or something how he selects his next victims... what do u think ?

Last nite i saw a movie pretty much like this one, there was this [censored] crazy serial killer, he was killings women, he was choosin his victims by bussiness cards and the motherfucker than killed them, after he killed em he was dressing them pretty good to make em look like someone dunno old special dolls, and he was leaving them in parks and so on in a sitting position, the motherfucker was trying to transform them to his favourite dolls, damn such crazy shits ...

well i kinda got outta topic, sorry for that.

see ya

P.S. hope they'll get this motherfucker soon.

oh and yes, ohfuk if i were in your place man i'd get the [censored] outta there, 7 corners away, are you [censored] crazy ???

+^Born Intelligence
#21654 10/16/02 07:44 AM
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At the Home Depot shooting there was a witness that saw two darker skinned men (whatever that means) in a white van that tried to quickly cut into his lane and leave a parking lot nearby. The eyewitness said they looked very agitated and he felt as though they were ready to get out of the van at the anger from not getting in front of him. They didn't wait for him, they quickly went around a chinese restaurant and out the back.

So we have atleast 3 people that saw him in the van and shoot from it, and one detailed witness that saw both their faces up close.

#21655 10/16/02 08:15 AM
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.. and they still can't catch him !!!

so what do u think, is there one serial killer, or two of em, or they work together ? they shoot from their van and they probably change those [censored] vans often. I just wonder is the same guy shootin or they're changing the roles ???

this is gettin pretty nasty guys...

+^Born Intelligence
#21656 10/17/02 08:53 PM
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The governor's race between a Republican who wants to roll back the federal assault weapons ban, and a foam at the mouth anti gunner (and Democrat) is very close in gun grabbing Maryland.
The timely appearance of a random sniper, using at least one of Clinton's darling assault rifles to kill Marylanders, could affect the election.
Some facts for your consideration:
Maryland is the home of THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY AT FORT MEAD. This is the infamous agency who can read your name tag from orbiting and geo-stationary satellites, while monitoring your phone, fax and e-mails, as depicted in the movie, "Enemy Of The State."

MD is a defacto territory of the District Of Columbia, where numerous diplomats, govt agents, high ranking service personnel and politicians reside in relative safety outside the district. DC is a black jungle, as is Baltimore. But, in between are some of the lily whitest suburbs I've ever seen. Want to guess who lives there?
Maryland's law enforcement used the dirtiest of tricks the night before a referendum to create their "Saturday Nite Special Review Board", which created a paid committee to review which guns are safe and high quality for sale to citizens in the state. Presumably when a bad person points and fires at the cops, the state wanted to assure that a reliable, high quality handgun would go BOOM. To effect this, cops used a SUBPOENA to put phone bank workers against the wall and disrupt the get out the vote effort on the eve of the crucial vote.
Maryland has ballistic fingerprinting of all new handguns now sold in the state.
Maryland scoffed at Project Exile, preferring to put the onus for crime on guns, rather than criminals.
If a liberal, antigun state changes course and elects a pro 2nd amendment governor, it would reverse the progressive federalization of the territory, and repudiate Bill Clinton's anti-gun agenda. This could happen, if Maryland's Chesapeake Bay waterfowlers actually vote, instead on sitting on their apathetic asses. But, most are Fuddsters who in the past didn't feel threatened because the shotgun raids haven't begun...yet. But, no one knows if the gun issue will cost the DEMS MD, the way it cost Gore The Whore House. It just ain't the Democratic way to rely on faith in the people, especially since Gore lost Tennessee and Arkansas.
It would seem that the primary beneficiaries of these random murders are; gun control groups, who are desperate to hang on to their conquests; govt employees and spooks, who wish to live in a safe, suburban "federal" zone; the police, because they want to monopolize the power of life and death and, the Lt. Governor, who is sweating the outcome of the governors race. Her family has accrued more experience than any other dynasty at turning tragedy to political advantage. She is Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, daughter of Robert Kennedy. The Kennedy family learned long ago how to cinch elections. John Kennedy's dad said, "I'll pay for a win in West Virginia, but not a landslide." Thanks to the mob and goon unionists, who spread around Old Joe's blood money, John Kennedy was elected. His assassination virtually assured Bobbie Kennedy's election as president, but then he was murdered. Both murders keep Ted in office, because of the collective guilt that is skillfully employed against voters in his home state of Mass.
Could it be that instead of hiring knee cap removers like the WVA election, the Kennedy's have a Mossad or other intelligence trained operative winning votes with a .223? If there is a plan, it would certainly explain why the shooter isn't concerned about capture. The MD police are his allies. And every fed and gun grabbing cop knows that, if you want to make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs. None of the broken eggs have been cops. Collateral damage, I believe they call it. Unless Kennedy Townsend wins the governors, race, she won't be president someday. Many powerful people are pulling for this sniper.
As stolen from a forum or something I found somewhere... Oh yeah, if I don't come in to work tomorrow tell Gizmo and my girl friend that I love them...

#21657 10/18/02 05:09 PM
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update-a key witness turns out to be fake and cops are basically back to square evidence

#21658 10/18/02 05:23 PM
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If a liberal, antigun state changes course and elects a pro 2nd amendment governor, it would reverse the progressive federalization of the territory, and repudiate Bill Clinton's anti-gun agenda. This could happen, if Maryland's Chesapeake Bay waterfowlers actually vote, instead on sitting on their apathetic asses. But, most are Fuddsters who in the past didn't feel threatened because the shotgun raids haven't begun...yet.
Actually {me realises you copied this} The bay folks do vote, however Baltimore seems to carry most of the vote. Also southern Maryland won the vote a few years back... Guess what, There was a re-count, and dead people up north seemed to vote. Democrat won after the re-count.

Baltimore is democrat. Southern is Republican. Baltimore is north, Southern is.... errrr South.
North has more numbers and crooks
South says sure come get our guns laugh

#21659 10/18/02 06:37 PM
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Anyone else here find it interesting that the person has killed 9 people and hit 11 in total, or is it just a coincidence and the killing hasn't stopped yet?

#21660 10/18/02 08:21 PM
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i saw a house for sale on ebay in minnesota for $5000, heh. Im thinking thats a coincidence, if that was his goal dont you think he would have started killing on 9 11?

#21661 10/19/02 04:40 AM
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haha thats funny, coward?

[Originally posted by Le4rner:]

To target kids and unknowing bystandars. That is a coward. One man was talking to his wife in the car at the passenger window. She saw his chest explode onto her and the car. The kid was at school. That means he targeted a school. And Goddamnit he just shot a woman in Fairfax, VA.
who has learner's dox again ?
<img border="0" alt="[bang]" title="" src="graemlins/bang.gif" /> frown

#21662 10/19/02 09:27 AM
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[censored], they didn't catch him still ???

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#21663 10/19/02 09:34 AM
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Was that 13 year old boy hot? anyways hello think about it. He probably changed his identity and its my goal to get money for finding out everything about him. I think he has some connection to the other realm because psychichs have power but not there own and not from God but from Satan. He probably is part of Al Qaeda because this is ANOTHER way of terror and its happening in DC a duh. And don't we have heat detectors night vision goggles HELLO cmon they have the FBI and the Secre Service with them. HI TECH EQUIPMENT. and if he is linked to the Al-Qaeda i think this deal was made some time ago because you'd think theyd be listening in on a call or something. MAybe they communicated through hidden messages on the web! Hello have you heard about Anklit Fadia. He lives in New Delhi and he provided the U.S. security agency with info on steganography. Aren't we hackers too. Hello we can help to! His website is called Hacking Truths i think he is the best havker out there. We can decryot and detect hidden data maybe thats what sniper is doing because he has to communicate with his accomplices and wouldn't be stupid enough to send them an e-mail or call them up on a phone. We're dealing with a very intelligent person here!

#21664 10/19/02 09:38 AM
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oh by the way my dad has the smae car as sniper. U know the Chevy AstroVan

#21665 10/19/02 08:37 PM
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DaMaRis alright, im not gonna flame you, only because your a 13 years old girl from NYC in a gang which kinda reminds me of a girl i know in RL but unless your trying to be funny, dont day HELLO so much. and instead of posting twice in a row just edit your first post. just click on the little pic of a peice of paper and a pencil right above your post see it?

BP, im actually not sure if your asking me a question, but if you are, well no they havent. and i think hes recently added another to his list of shot. im just not caring enough to check.

#21666 10/20/02 08:31 AM
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they suspect him of striking again right outside richmond virginia, about 100 miles south of the DC area. he hit a 37 year old man outside a restuarant. the man has undergone surgery and is in critical/stable condition. they set up roadblocks as far as 60 miles away, but came up with nothing. they are yet to be able to remove the bullet from the man because it could injure him further, thus the police can't link it to the sniper without doubt.

"It's better to burn out, than to fade away."
#21667 10/20/02 10:23 AM
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Damn, I used to live in Richmond.

#21668 10/20/02 12:12 PM
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ohfuk you said that right, looks like she just isn't understanding some things and i believe she didn't even right that at all herself, i was laughing at the thing she said about him being the best hacker around.. HELLO.. you guys hear this ? Girl you better start reading your books if you don't wanna get ignored all the time by everybody.

ouuuu BS your post scared the [censored] outta me bro. When the hell are they going to stop him ?

Looks like he has everything planed down with years now, he does everything so carefully...

damn him.


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