Well, This may be difficult to understand if you have never used the WinSock control but here is a basic idea.
winsock1.connect "mail.attbi.com", "25"
You will need to wait untill winsock1.state = 7
to send data you need to say winsock1.senddata "your text"
I will give a general 'dialouge' between server and your winsock control (client)
Client: HELO localhost
Server: +ok HELLO bob-12-14-34-14.attbi.com
Client: MAIL FROM:
[email protected]Server: +ok SENDER OK
Client: RCPT TO:
[email protected]SERVER: +ok
Client: DATA
Client: Hey the password is jew!
Client: .
Server closes connection.
Note: you need to have vbCrLf at the end of each line you send... If you need more help I will try and provide if not--sr should be by eventually