I am a new programer for C++. I want to merge two or more dbf file together. I don't know how to read the dbf file and out put a dbf format file.
Ex: there are two or more dbf files. all of them have same structure "LABID","LOCATION" and "CALL" and all of the fields are character.
The file name is SNP1.dbf and RS2300.dbf.
I want:
1. link the two file togethear by LABID,
2. drop location
3. rename the "CALL" to "SNP1" at SNP1.dbf
4. rename the "CALL" to "RS2300" at RS2300.dbf
5. output a dbf format data set with: LABID, SNP1 and RS2300.
I hope the program can handle more than two dbf files and easy to be used at dos command line, like: "merge *.dbf output.dbf"
Is there a way to do that?
Thanks a lot