Ok, quick question (again
) could the welch worm have been the cause of this? Atm, I think it was. After finallying getting some virus software instaled and updated, and dling the fixes for the respective worms, my system is now clean, and it is working at normal speed again. The blaster worm wasn't on my computer at the time of this post, that is why I am asking about the welch worm.
So far, what I have read is that it downlaods and installs the blaster worm patch without you knowing... so it does sound like it could have been the cause (the whole programs running in the background that I couldn't see and was to stupid to notice on the process list.) Anyway... does that sound like a possible cause?
I checked both HD's anyway just to be sure, and turns out both are 7200 rpm in working condition (IE, no pins appeared to be bent or missing.)