Practical or possible? It's probably not very practicle unless you know ASM, have an EEPROM programmer, Lots of EEPROMs laying around and tons of time. I dont have a gameboy advanced around here but I was planning on dumping all my old atari games onto ROMs to emulate on my computer. So Ill tell you what I learned from that. You needed to flash your console's BIOS Inorder to use one of the ports to dump the program to a serial computer to be read by your computer. For the Gameboy Advanced I've onyl found cartridges to buy to hook up to the back so far with serial ports that go to your computer. I havent found any pinouts yet to make your own. Did you just want to get them to your computer or do you want to burn them onto another EEPROM to play in another GBA? No, Its not practical but it is possible.