How can I trobleshoot these further
(beyond what I listed below )
How to troubleshoot �Page cannot be displayed� in windows ME and XP
In AOL this may be the error message No page to display or action cancelled
1) Usual probing Questions
When did this problem start?
Any s/w added?
Any Internet download?
What is exact error message displayed in IE?
Does this happen for one particular site or all sites?
2) Check Internet Connection
Cable Connection � Check cable is properly plugged in, lights on the LAN card are blinking.
Dial-UP � Dial up the ISP, if already connected, disconnect and dial again.
- Check if phone line is properly connected.
- Are lights on the Modem blinking?
If there�s a problem in Internet connection, check if the customer has
Contacted the ISP.
3) Check it yourself and see if the customer types the correct domain name.
4) Try Pinging (try different sites)
5) Try to open the page using the IP address returned in IE?
6) If ping failed (not just one, different sites, IP addresses) � it means no net connection
7) Delete cookies in IE from Tools->Internet Connections
8) Delete Files in IE from Tools->Internet Connections
* If it is a computer in a network accessing the Internet, check for proxy settings.
If the problem continues, steps to resolve this are available in this link (Windows ME) Page cannot be displayed problem due to upgrade from ME to XP;en-us;313067&Product=winxp
If the user uses Kazaa and has upgraded it here�s a solution