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#43228 08/07/07 05:06 PM
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I was thinking the other day that since the americans are so adamant on trying to control the future of the planet in every facet of life that the rest of the planet should be allowed to vote for the american president. That way the last remaining super power (that cages its own citizens) would not be voting in persons like George not once but twice. I mean come on people, what were you thinking?!!
We are the ones that pay the price, we know what is happening, you guys are busy buying the latest cheap entertainment your government gives you.

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Should be "Since the American Goverment" is so adamant... Most of us Americans want to tell the rest of you to [censored] yourselves and have our govermnent give all this "aid" money back to the country to aid in OUR schools vs 3rd world countries...

Don't blaim us, blaime these government beuocratic assholes who have nothing better to do than "help" eveyone but their own peoples...

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Fair enough that it is not the population but the few who stand to represent your nation. But how do they get away with being voted in twice when it was clear that they did not care for your country last time.
The president can only stand to represent with a majority, I mean you guys are still a democracy right? So if "Most of us Americans want to tell the rest of you to [censored] yourselves" then how does that work?
Let us vote for your president smile

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Actually, there was a big "hub bub" in both elections claming there was cheating, but the opponents gave up out of nowhere and pulled themselves out of the running vs persuing it...

BTW, I definately want to clear the air in one area that always bothers me... We do not CHOOSE to be in our milliaty (well, a lot of us), we have a "draft" where if we do not go, we are forced to go to jail... In most cases, it's more time spent in jail than for raping a whole bus of school children... Talk about slavery...

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That is the first Ive ever heard of the draft and being forced to go to jail. How do you guys think your the freest country in the world with that?

"you are free to do whatever we tell you" more like it.

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Who said we where free? they use that crap to make the foreigners want to come here illegally and kill those of us who are here legally... Most of our crime is committed by illegal immagrents...

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On top of allowing foreigners to vote for the US President I think America should undergo a major social engineering shape up.
Capitalism was only meant to be used for so long. Its time to look at something that doesn't need more demand then supply all the time, otherwise all our stock is gonna get gobbled up.
And maybe America should just let the country it illegally interferes in vote for president instead of the whole world. Illegally being whatever the UN deems it.

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Hey Giz, correct me if I'm wrong I only lived in the States for like 4yrs, but just to clear up your earlier comment

We do not CHOOSE to be in our milliaty (well, a lot of us), we have a "draft" where if we do not go, we are forced to go to jail...

In the US once you turn 18 you have to sign up saying that if the country ever needs you to join (IE: WW3) then you must go, but otherwise you don't need to serve. Correct ? Their way of getting around conscription, seeing as that is political suicide.

Last edited by HighLander; 08/10/07 12:56 AM.

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Kind of... Legally you MUST sign up when you turn 18. If you don't, and they decide to draft, and they find out, you go to jail just like if you where to try to dodge the draft.

So basically, you turn 18, you sign up. You don't sign up? draft dodger. If you sign up and you don't go? draft dodger. run to mexico or canada as a draft dodger? you get sent back to america, your family gets sued, and you're in prison...

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For the record I didnt vote for Bush JR the ubor moron. The people that voted him in were the friggen christians who beleived since he's a "man of god" that they have to vote for him (even if he only has the IQ of a pea and can only talk as straight as i can walk, which isnt very)

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First Term: I voted Gore.
Second Term: I voted Bush.

Why did I vote bush? Kerry was the only opponent, and I secretly think he's an alien... Look at that forehead... the man is a [censored] alien... no non-testtube baby has a head THAT big... just like Christina Ricci... :shivers:

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Originally Posted by Artic Warrior
Fair enough that it is not the population but the few who stand to represent your nation. But how do they get away with being voted in twice when it was clear that they did not care for your country last time.
The president can only stand to represent with a majority, I mean you guys are still a democracy right? So if "Most of us Americans want to tell the rest of you to [censored] yourselves" then how does that work?
Let us vote for your president smile

Okay this has always bugged me. America is not never has been nor ever intended to be a Democracy. A democracy is mob rule. A lynch party is a perfect example of a democracy. We are a democratic republic. We vote for representatives to speak on our behalf. To vote in laws on our behalf. This worked great for almost 200 years (1976).

With the advent of media (TV) the rules have changed a bit. People are susceptible top repeated messages. In the 1990's The branch of our government that controls TV, Radio Telephone gave away the farm. They allowed a few to gain control of all the media. So now if you are a multi billionaire running for office (most are) you pay off a few guys and get more TV time, radio Time, and news paper articles. Since many have gotten lazy and refuse to research a candidate before they vote, they think watching TV will inform them.

This puts us at today. The fact of the matter is, our country got away from us in 1913 with the radical change of our banking reinstitution. Before our money was based on Gold. If it still was today, a barrel of oil would cost about $3 maybe $5 The middle class would not loose money when saving money. This gave a select few a huge amount of power.

It also brought about us paying for our own slavery. Taxes. Before 1913 there was no such thing as taxes and still really there isn't as the supermen court ruled the Govt has no new tax powers. The whole world NOW is on a fractional banking system.

This banking system brings only one thing. DEBT. Arctic, where are you from? YOu probably have a centralizes bank all others report to. in our country, for every 1 dollar in their bank they can loan out 7. Sooooo

I go in and take out a loan for a car. Say $17,000 I put that money in the bank while I look at cars. They can now loan out $119,000 Money that never exists. The Federal Reserver (a Private bank people) creates this money as it is loaned out. But, they NEVER print the intrest. This mean someone has to fail. This is every country in the so called modern world.

So first we lost banks and entered slavery through taxes
Henry Ford - It is just as well people do not understand this country's banking system, for there would be riots in the street come morning if they did.

Next we started loosing rights to our own bodies. They tried to make alcohol illegal, made cocaine, heroin, marijuana illegal. My research led to an interesting find. The drug makers lobbied for this. That competition got tough, so the lobbied to make drugs illegal and then could send the law after their competition. Not to mention the price shot up over night.

The great depression which the Federal Reserve created only ten years after taking over wiped out any free banking institution. Gave the Fed more power. And a select few could buy up Cooperations and land for literally pennies on the dollar.

Next World war II where George Bushes Grand Father had assests seized for aiding Aldolf Hitler AFTER we were at war with them.
Many whom bought up land and Cooperations During the depression helped hitter out here and tried to install a Nazi precense in America. Went so far as to try and set up a coup. They contacted an American General who once he had everyones names went to Congress with them. Big fat nothing.

The Rockefeller's built their empire and now one is in congress.

Monsanto brought us Agent Orange, PCBs and now puts hormones in our cows that lead to cancer and fully developed 8year olds. They are now pushing dangerous Genetically modified foods.

The defense industries in this country are drive purely on war money and have a HUGE amount of power in this country (why we are always at war.)

The medical industry found new ways to make money. Require parents to inject their kids with various cocktails of crap and call it a vacine. Then come up with terms like ADD and require parents to get drugs to treat it. Since 1995 the number of kinds on psychotropics drugs has increased more than 100%. If that doesn't bather you, know one day this generation that had its minds altered for profit will be in charge.

So America the great, has been torn apart by greed, drugs and media. We are so divied a revolution is not possible. Sexism, Racism, fat vs skinny, all crap beamed to us 24/7

But I will say this. Socialism is not the answer. It sounds great, but it is the stuff dictators dream of. Nazism, Communism, Fascism are all socialist in nature. Every modern dictator uses socialism for a reason. It teaches the society, the needs of the Govt are more than the people.

In a democratic republic, a representative of the people CAN go against the masses for what is right. In socialism, the society does what the Govt says, period. It does not allow for revolution as a democratic republic does. Many socialists say, over time the Govt will fade away. When has anyone given up total power?

I think no govt is perfect. That any govt has to be stripped down from time to time. We missed our was in the 1960s to 1970s They have had a full 30 years to become more corrupt.

They center never holds, so if you build a govt for the people, be sure to build one that is easily torn apart by the people. Governments are more dangerous than any outside enemy. Allways have been.

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Originally Posted by §intå×
Originally Posted by Artic Warrior

Next we started loosing rights to our own bodies. They tried to make alcohol illegal, made cocaine, heroin, marijuana illegal. My research led to an interesting find. The drug makers lobbied for this. That competition got tough, so the lobbied to make drugs illegal and then could send the law after their competition. Not to mention the price shot up over night.

Monsanto brought us Agent Orange, PCBs and now puts hormones in our cows that lead to cancer and fully developed 8year olds. They are now pushing dangerous Genetically modified foods.

The defense industries in this country are drive purely on war money and have a HUGE amount of power in this country (why we are always at war.)

The medical industry found new ways to make money. Require parents to inject their kids with various cocktails of crap and call it a vacine. Then come up with terms like ADD and require parents to get drugs to treat it. Since 1995 the number of kinds on psychotropics drugs has increased more than 100%. If that doesn't bather you, know one day this generation that had its minds altered for profit will be in charge.

There's a reason why Giz and I haven't had our son vaccinated. There's no need for my child to take a chicken pox vaccine, we don't even know what effect it will have on our child as adults. My son WITHOUT all of these shots that our doctor is extremely adamant about him getting is more healthy then most other kids his age. Geee i wonder why....

As a country, especially those between the ages of 18-30 need to take a good hard look at what's going on and step upand do something. In Oklahoma a 19 year old boy was voted in a mayor of a city because like me we're tired of old people deciding my future (majority of voters are old senile [censored] that need to be put down for their's and ours good). He was running against a 70 year old fart

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Wait... since when did our votes count? Voting in America is nothing more than a hoax to give us the false impression that we're making a difference so we don't do something more drastic that might actually have an affect (but if someone does slip past the first defense and does something worthwhile, we've built a second defense... "terrorist!!").


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Originally Posted by ZER0_DECEPTION
Voting in America is nothing more than a hoax to give us the false impression that we're making a difference so we don't do something more drastic that might actually have an affect
More of us exist... :snicker:

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Yes many more exists. Electronic voting is a farce designed to give you a false impression and improve efficiency in screwing vote results. Diebold is a CIA front company. They have edited just about every post on wikipedia dealing with electronic voting.

As far as vaccines go... Vaccines are based on 1930s science. It was thought that you get this shot, your body then builds anti bodies you are cured. Not so much. In cases of AIDS the antibodies are a sure sign of death. Anti bodies go along with a person becoming immune... But there is more to it. In cases of polio there is data to show that polio rises when vaccines are give.

What you will find is in these areas, that have more "false positives". The medical offices are directed to count less cases as being in fact pollio. There are MANY other vaccines where this is the case.

In Japan they were # 14 in infant mortality rates. They raised the age for vaccines from 3 months to age 5. They then had a mortality rate of almost 0. No more sids. No more autism.... Later they mored the age to 3 months old again and you can see the mortality, sids, autism rates shoot back up.

Vaccines contain things that are just plain bad for you.
  • Famaldihide
  • thermosille (no it isn't removed, Bush protected it.)
  • bits of aborted baby (yes they used aborted babies)
  • bits of animal tissue entering your ody bypassing normal entry means (you cold, take on new DNA)

So given some vaccine facts what has our govt done? Increased the amount of vaccines a child must have. Approve new ones. I have heard they are now looking at giving teen boys the HPV vaccine for mouth HPV. I mean come one. I suggest anyone who has children file a waiver based on religious belief in having your child vaccinated. The aborted babies used to cultivate growths can be your basis.

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Oh also quit drinking diet soda.

newtrasweet(aspartane) = neuro-toxin;

It was rejected by the FDA before Donald Rumsfeld took over as CEO.

Check the link. It is poison, at the very least it is a anti depressant as that is what it was designed for. Only after did they discovery it was 800 times more sweet than sugar. So diet soda... IT IS POISON. anyone who says it isn't riddle me this.. Why will the US air force not let their piolets drink it.

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I've been on the anti aspartane boat for a while... You should give Splenda a chance in some diets; it's made from sugar so it doesn't taste half bad...

I know there are fanboys (and girls) who'll say that the amount of Aspartane needed to make a difference in your body isn't humanly possible to consume; but at the same time, why do you want to consume a [censored] neuro-toxin...

BTW, I thought that the airforce didn't want them drinking anything with caffine in it prior to a flight?

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caffine will not ground you for months. aspartame will wink

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splenda is great except when your trying to blend it with softened butter because it just dissolves when it shouldn't. And aspartame is just gross tasting...

Gizmo and I told our son's DR that he isnt getting vaccines because it's against our religion. He had the nerve to tell us if we didnt give them to him that the school will never let him in. State assistance programs also try and force it. [censored] nuts

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Let us not forget that the American people actually voted for gore. TY to the Electoral College for us having Mr Bush. I have never voted nor do I plan to simply for the fact that there is no one to vote for. We have 1 more choice in who is our leader than Communist country's. However I think we need a (none of the above) spot. I would actually vote then. That way the govt can see the number of people that are here willing to participate but they have not given us ample or good enough choices for us to make a decision.

That being said if Ron Paul had got the nomination I would vote for him Ron Paul is the man. DOWN WITH THE FEDERAL RESERVE!!!! =)

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Yeah the Federal Reserve does have some serious issues...

Sintax for President and Gizmo for VP?

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"World Leader" Gizmo I be... Or Gizmo Pope...

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Originally Posted by Gizmo
"World Leader" Gizmo I be... Or Gizmo Pope...

Isn't that the same thing?

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Originally Posted by Shinobi
Isn't that the same thing?
Not everyone sees the head of the catholic church for what he is... A sharletin who's given everything he could possibly want...

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Want to know something funny? The bible describes catholicism as the "great harlot" (read the description of the great harlot in Revelation and Daniel- headquarters is in a place famous for seven hills, the colors are the same ones worn by the leaders, the history aligns with the prophecy, etc.). So how much would you trust the Pope knowing that the book he claims to be the basis of his belief foretells of his religion being an oppressor and the religion where the false profit originates from in the "end times".

Oh and for a really good laugh, compare catholicism to the pegan worship of Mithra (which was eradicated by the Catholic church, nearly without opposition, about the time catholicism became a government power in Rome about 4th century A.D.). Even the hat worn has the same name as the catholic Mitre. >:D


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I grew up in a Roman Catholic family and went to church and everything. By the time i was 6 because of what i heard in church i became an atheist... I was not one of the gullible ones laugh

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not speaking out against the unseen or saying that there's no true holy writing or faith, but catholicism is definitely on my no list. Right there next to Mormonism. Xp

One thing for sure though, Gizmo being Pope would not be a happy cult. A quote from Red vs. Blue comes to mind (from back when Red vs. Blue was actually funny) "I knew it, we're all going to die." LOL


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Psh, I'd tear that [censored] apart, and be all "Well, at least i made it fun"

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Lol, World News Headlines, "New Pope takes office and instates new church officials; announcing new world wide Halo tournament next week". "Pope Gizmo changes office name 'Father' to 'Exploit Leader'"


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"The Church" is one arm of a huge organization bent on controlling every aspect of your life. The Anti-Christ is alive. Prince William is the first ever prince in history to have legal claim to all countries in Europe. The marriage of Diana and Charles (German decent) ensure the now sitting royal family has legal claim to the thrown in England. England boys and girls is the heart of banking. Follow the money. Follow the money. It is the root of all evil.

If I am right. Prince William will suffer a fatal head wound and the whole world will see. He will recover and then it hits the fan. 2012 is coming and it will be a bumpy ride. All ends are coming to a point. The stage is set, to pieces in motion. Brace yourselves. Ever notice how many companies use the all seeing eye or pyramid in their logs? The pope is just another technician working the phones.

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ya know you're starting to sound more and more like weeve with every post i see lol

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