UGN Security
Posted By: §intå× The five visible planets line up - 03/21/04 10:13 AM
Later this month, around March 22nd, the five planets in our solar system visible to the naked eye, will line up in a peculiar, and spectacular way.
The planets are; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

To watch the show, one should do as follows:
At sunset, look towards the western horizon. The planets will be positioned in a row up and across the sky. They will make an approximately 135 deg. arc across the sky.

Should you miss this show, there will be another opportunity to awe: In April and May this year, if you turn westward at dusk or dawn, you will catch a glimpse of two comets visible to the eye, the C/2001 Q4 and the C/2002 T7.

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