UGN Security
Here's wishing you a safe and happy holiday season; we hope you all have fun spending this time of year with your closest of family and friends.

We know that the holiday season is an excuse for some to get heavily trashed, or just enjoy a few to loosen up; but please, if you drink, don't operate a vehicle... We want to see you, and the person who you run into, to be alive till at least Christmas wink...

We'd also like to ask that you take the time to think of and pray for all of the service personel who're unable to spend time with their families this year because they're far from home, risking their lives for something that they may not even agree with.

If you're interested, there are many "write to a soldier" or "adopt a soldier" programs online and it doesn't take that much time to write a quick letter, even if it's to ask how they're doing. One such program that I found is Soldiers' Angels.
Thanks Giz.
I would also like to ask that no matter what you think of the current political situation that we take a short moment to thank all the men and women currently stuck in the mess called Iraq, and freezing in the mountains of Afghanistan who will just be thankful to finally get home with all thier limbs and no brain damage. While we are here chilling with turkey and football, they are dying for college money.
Good pointe, consider my post updated wink
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