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damaris: Actually u know when illegal immigrants buy stuff they pay tax and most of us dont get medicaid or welfare.
in response to that, yes. everyone pays the state mandated sales tax. also the government mandated sales tax. those are not the taxes i was reffering to. i'm talking about income tax. please don't try to convince anyone here that illegals pay income taxes. do you want to know why they don't? first of all, the employers don't tell the government that they are employing illegal immigrants because it's ILLEGAL. second of all, you need to be a citizen in order to have a social security number. you need that to put on your W-4 forms which you fill out and submit to the government. so, obiviuosly, anyone with a shred of common sense can understand why the illegals don't pay income taxes.
now, about the medicare and free public schooling. yes, i'm sorry to tell you that illegals can and usually do receive both of those services for free. why? i don't [censored] know. if it was up to me.. we would have shut down our borders so long ago. we would be an isolationist nation. that is clearly the best way to go. but that's a whole new topic smile

damaris: and illegal immigrants contribute over 100 billion dollars a year to America
oh really? i think, and i'm just guessing here, that when you say that illegal immigrants "conrtibute" what you really meant to say was "drain." now.. if we put that word in the sentence in place of contribute.. you have a true statement. let's try it once together shall we?
"illegal immigrants drain over 100 billion dollars a year" ahhh.. the great sound of truthfulness.. now.. doesn't everyone feel much better now that we got that little misprint all straightened out? i know i sure do! smile


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I wanted to make a few points, and I am sick of the opinions and bullshit claims that don't have much backing. So DaMaRiS, here is some FACTS (that means they are proven truths) and they counter alot of the claims that you have made. Mainly illegals increas crime and costs, don't give money to us, cost US money, and also leech off many things which they shouldn't be able too. And the majority of americans polled, believe this too.

Illegal Immigrate Diversity Actually Decreases The Melting Pot Effect


A leading researcher in this field is Dr. William Frey, a demographer at the University of Michigan. With statistical analysis, Frey shows that native-born Americans in very large numbers are moving away from parts of the country heavily impacted by immigration. If this process continues, Frey believes that our country will become �balkanized,� i.e., split up along racial, ethnic, cultural, and regional lines.
Most don't come to the "Land of the Free", they come to "The Land of the Free Money"
Yet any questioning of our refugee policy brings protests that refugees are people who are �fleeing for their very lives.� In point of fact, however, most are simply people who wish to improve their economic circumstances in America, in many cases by latching on to our welfare system. This is the disturbing message of Don Barnett�s The Refugee Racket. A former resident of the Soviet Union who saw the operation of the system first-hand.
Not everyone against restriction is against immigration

Actually, quite a number of immigrants are restrictionists themselves. The reason is not difficult to understand. One such immigrant is Yeh Ling-Ling, a native of Vietnam of Chinese descent. For many years, since coming to America, she has worked tirelessly for immigration control. Ling makes a powerful, well-reasoned case for less immigration, citing the harmful effects on too many newcomers on U.S. culture, the economy, and the environment. For the sake of foreign countries, she concludes, �the most compassionate way to help the world�s poor in the long run is to seriously restrict immigration, which would force developing countries to work to improve the livelihood of their own citizens.
Mexico wants Fox to lead them out of situation, but he would rather lead them out of the country


Fox, who was sought out by Mexican citizens to bring reform to the country, including economic mobility, has yet to offer any solutions within his country. In the short time since he took office, the Mexican President's solution has been to "ship" his poorest citizens into America, the end result of which is an ever- increasing border security problem, increasing crime levels, rising poverty, poorer performing schools, more services offered at the expense of American citizens, and a diluted American culture. It is said that this is hardly the reform that the American people had in mind. Apparently, any reform is coming at America's expense, while the status quo continues to remain in Mexico.

Illegal Immigration has been linked in study after study to an increase in poverty, crime, taxes, environmental degradation, as well as multiculturalism and bilingualism. Not only is the U.S. seeing the negative effects of illegal immigration, but there is nothing to be gained from it, for, according to the Centers for Immigration Studies, a Washington think-tank, Illegal Immigration from Mexico has had the following impact:

* Almost two-thirds of adult Mexican immigrants have not completed high school, compared to fewer than one in ten natives. Mexican immigrants now account for 22 percent of all high school dropouts in the labor force.

* Though most natives are more skilled and thus do not face significant job competition from Mexican immigrants, this study (consistent with previous research) indicates that the more than 10 million natives who lack a high school degree do face significant job competition from Mexican immigrants.
Cheap Labor doesn't result in cheap anything else

By increasing the supply of unskilled labor, Mexican immigration in the 1990s has reduced the wages of workers without a high school education by an estimated 5 percent. The workers affected are already the lowest-paid, comprising a large share of the working poor and those trying to move from welfare to work.

* This reduction in wages for the unskilled has likely reduced prices for consumers by only an estimated .08 to .2 percent in the 1990s. The impact is so small because unskilled labor accounts for only a tiny fraction of total economic output.

* Mexican immigration acts as a subsidy to businesses that employ unskilled workers, holding down labor costs while taxpayers pick up the costs of providing services to a much larger poor and low-income population.
Mexican immigrants usage of welfare over 1/4

* Even after welfare reform, an estimated 34 percent of households headed by legal Mexican immigrants and 25 percent headed by illegal Mexican immigrants used at least one major welfare program, in contrast to 15 percent of native households. Mexican immigrants who have lived in the United States for more than 20 years, almost all of whom are legal residents, still have double the welfare use rate of natives.
Only 5% of population, but over 10% of population without health insurance, costs others money


* Although they comprise 4.2 percent of the nation's total population, Mexican immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) account for 10.2 percent of all persons in poverty and 12.5 percent of those without health insurance. Even among Mexican immigrant families that have lived in United States for more than 20 years, almost all of whom are legal residents, more than half live in or near poverty and one-third are uninsured.
Read this one hun. Average fiscal impact (means money earned towards benefiting our country in a year)

Based on estimates developed by the National Academy of Sciences for immigrants by age and education at arrival, the lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a negative $55,200.
What most of american thinks about illegals

The United States takes on most of the shortfalls, that illegal immigration causes; having to deal with the abuse of social services by non-citizens, the taking of citizens� jobs and the lowering of their wages and sinking of the common lifestyles, overall threatening the quality of life in certain communities. With all the illegal immigrants, there are surplus workers which means less jobs and more competition with workers for the lower pay brought about by the extra workmen. Thus, the jobs that helps produce the middle class lifestyles are taken and the middle class decreases. Illegal aliens are using welfare, education and other state and federal social services, whose costs are increasing taxes for everyone (DeMott 28). Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, so they not justified in using social services, such as welfare, health care, and other services. It is more likely for immigrants to use social services provided by the government than nonimmigrants (DiConsiglio 5). A "Where I Stand Poll" in 1994 said 94% of the U.S. believes all illegal immigrants shouldn�t receive welfare and government services and 73% said their children shouldn�t attend public schools (DeMott 30).
Effects that Illegal immigrants have in cities with high concentratin.
The higher illegally immigrated cites on average have 30% longer commuting time, 40% more people living in poverty, 60% more high school dropouts, twice as many violent crimes, twice as many unemployed, more than twice the welfare dependency, and more than seven times as much crowded housing (Beck77). These statistics are astonishing and represent the essence of the impact of illegal immigration on America.
Amnesty doesn't solve

The flow of illegals grew dramatically during the years of the amnesty to more than 800,000 a year, before dropping back down to "only" around 500,000 a year. Within 10 years of the last amnesty, every amnesty recipient had been replaced by a new illegal alien.
llegal immigration undermines legal immigration.

There is a list of over 3 million eligible people waiting to be admitted as immigrants to our country; some of them have been on that list for seventeen years. Illegal immigration makes a mockery of those people's adherence to the rules and of our country's sovereignty.
Very few immigrants actually coming to escape harsh conditions and repression, and do not contribute.

The government study (INS Report on the Legalized Alien Population, M-375, March 1992) found that out of the amnestied illegal alien population:

94 percent had migrated for economic reasons.
55 percent lived in California.
70 percent were from Mexico.
13 percent were from Central America.
74 percent had never been apprehended.
15 percent spoke English.
80 percent used public health services.
49 percent had no health insurance.
Illegal Immigrants Amnesty hurts Legal Immigration Image

The amnesty of illegal aliens skews the educational and skill level of legal immigration downward. As the ex illegal aliens naturalize and become U.S. citizens, they are able to petition for their relatives to join them here as immigrants. Each one will be able to sponsor both his parents and his brothers and sisters as immigrants. Naturally, the profile and characteristics of the relatives will be similar to their sponsoring immigrant which, as we have seen above, will detract from the high-skills, high-wage economy we are aiming for in the 21st century.
Illegals usually send all the money back to their country will living off of US

Amnesty has set a dangerous precedent. In May 1997, El Salvador's president, Armando Calderon Sol, and Nicaragua's president, Arnoldo Aleman, pressured U.S. President Bill Clinton during a goodwill tour to grant amnesty to the 300,000 Central American illegal aliens living the United States. Illegal aliens from those countries have been allowed to remain in the United States so long that their homelands have grown dependent on the estimated $1.5 billion a year they send home in remittances.
Illegals use children as anchor babies
Each year, thousands of women enter the United States illegally to give birth, knowing that their child will thus have U.S. citizenship. Their children immediately qualify for a slew of federal, state, and local benefit programs. In addition, when the children turn 21, they can sponsor the immigration of other relatives, becoming �anchor babies� for an entire clan.
What anchor baby education costs US

The Urban Institute estimates that the cost of educating illegal alien children in the nation�s seven states with the highest concentration of illegal aliens was $3.1 billion in 1993 (which, with the growth of their population to 1.3 million, would be more like $5 billion in 2000). This estimate does not take into account the additional costs of bilingual education or other special educational needs.
Illegals get free or cheaper education that Legals and Natives

Illegal alien students constitute a significant population of the nation�s illegal immigrant population. According to the Urban Institute, an estimated 126,000 unauthorized aliens under age 21 were enrolled in college; about half of them (an estimated 64,000 persons) had been in the United States for at least 5 years.1 Though they are unauthorized, such students have been given an entitlement to free public primary and secondary education. However, these students, when attempting to continue studies at the university level, often find it difficult to attend college if required to pay the non-resident tuition that is charged to other foreign students.

In Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982), the Supreme Court ruled that states could not deny unauthorized alien children a free public education through high school. Some state college systems, in order to help illegal alien high school students go to college, have granted them �in-state� tuition rates, which are lower rates reserved for residents of the state. Nonresident tuition typically ranges from 2 to 3.5 times the in-state resident tuition rate.
Now when you reply, please use actual facts. I have tried to read your posts and I have heard your opinions, I want you to show us where your opinions are coming from. Obviously, I have backed up most of the peoples points here.

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actually you backed up all our opinions there, you really couldn't say it better in whole one post jon, greetz for that man. And if that girl damaris doesn't gets it this time than she's probably nuts or she just can't handle the fact that she is wrong and that there are facts against what she's saying. You better start looking the reality from a different angle damaris !!!


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I have a few points myself... I've been working since I was 12 and paying taxes, yet i can't get on Oregon Health Plan because their full, I was just on them, but apparently because I'm not black or mexican and on wellfare i'm shoved to the back of the line... lets see, 8 years of paying taxes and being unemployeed this year i'm straight [censored].

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aww.. poor gizzy! frown
well.. when i'm rich.. i'll hire you to be my man whore. it pays well.. pretty good benefits too! smile


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hey Giz why don't you marry a rich old lady then kill her while she's sleeping and this way the whole fortune is yours.

here ya go bro..


see ya


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aight look dont be all bitchy blackpimp cuz if u didnt realize ur username has the word black in it and i noe plenty of illegals that pay income tax and its called falsification and amnesty dont solve anhything and i cant believe no of u agree with me. u people are so stuck up! especially blackpimp who dont noe anything bout life and i am gonna slapo jonconely who does he think he is. Not all Mexicans are immigrants and i reallly didn't bother to read all of ur crap because u guys are bullshit. Look I was bron here and thanks to my parents it isn't free money. That is only a wronginterpretation of u guys. Many employers that arent lyk u guys hire illegal's because they pay less for them than for a legal resident and amnesty is very difficult but none of u know that and illegal are humans we come here for jobs not to take away ur money we practically avoid u guys so we can sedn money home so our country can be better and Cubans come here to be free from Castro so y'all are stupid ignorant bastards and bitches who dont noe what y'all are talkin about and i suggest u stop aight. Stop while ur behind!

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Well, Damaris, you have a couple of valid points, Illegal Immigrants get hired because they will work for peanuts, and they send money home to their families in Mexico... But the rest seems to be bullshit. You have this preconception that people on this web board are all little nerds who sit in a dark room all day. I guarantee you that know "life" better then you. How many people do you know who were close to you that have died? How many times have you been in a true fight "to death or until the cops show up"? How many times have you been arrested? How many times have you had sex? How many jobs have you had? How much money do you make a week? When did you graduate high school? How many fiance's have you had? How many times have you been married? How many kids do you have?
Feel free to add any questions to that.

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hahahhha now you really made me laugh like crazy.
i do realize my nick contains the word black but do you really know what a nick means eh ??? btw i'm bitchy to those who deserve.. like you. And my nick is my own [censored] bussiness ok.

hahaha blackpimp don't know anything about life eh ? hahaha.. first of all blackpimp is older then you, second he's not stupid as you are, third i don't go bullshiting everyone and making everyone nerve... and most of all blackpimp ain't a stupid knowless [censored] like you ok.

i really don't know why am i wasting my time on you when you're too damn stupid to accept the reality.


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actually Curse has a point i dont really know anything and i never had sex so wow u guys actually venture outinto the HUMAN world i thought everyone was lyk Wade in Kim Possible!

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hahaha this is a joke right?

come on, someone fess up....who created demaris..come on...take credit...this has to be a joke right? right?

I mean it looks like a joke, it talks like a who did it?

I mean one's really that stupid are they?

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curse, her point about illegal immigrants working for peanuts is true, but thats one reason many true americans find themselves out of a job. they can't get hired even at minium wage because an illegal immigrant is working for half that pay.

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curse, her point about illegal immigrants working for peanuts is true, but thats one reason many true americans find themselves out of a job. they can't get hired even at minium wage because an illegal immigrant is working for half that pay.

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damaris: alright.. out of every post on this board you should have read jonconley's all the way through. those are actual facts. i think you are just afraid to read it because then you'd have to admit your ignaorance. i understand that you have strong feelings on this topic, being a minority and all. but as an american citizen, how can you stand behind illegal immigration? just because your parents/family members were illegal? that's not a good enough reason to stand on. i'm sorry, but it isn't. if you could maybe show how, with facts, that illegal immigration DOESN"T hurt this country.. then maybe we'd be more accepting of your viewpoint. but i know, no matter how hard you look, you will never find any statistics or evidence to support your argument.

again.. i can understand why you have such strong feelings about this, but honestly, i think you're too young to have formed such a strong opinion on your own. i'm guessing that it's your parents' viewpoints, and being that you are so young, you still accept what your parents say. (for the most part) but someday you will be older and wiser. someday you will have gained enough intellect to form your own, valid opinions.


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alright damaris i agree you did make 2 good points but you miss the point illegal Immigrants do get hired because they work cheep. i know because in the summer i work next to them. this causes everyone else to get paid less and being laborers arnt really needed that much this doesnt reduce the cost of anything. ive also noticed that they do really shitty work and many of them are really lazy. i used to keep up with them when i was 13, you age. now i get so much more done then them yet they keep my pay down because it wouldnt make sence if a 16 year old white kid made more then a 25 year old jose.
you other point was that they send money home to their families in el savador and mexico. now that is deliberatly taking money out of the country. you said "we come here for jobs, not to take away your money". what the [censored] do you think is happening when your parents or whoever sends money out of this country???your taking money out of the country you dumbass. how the [censored] can you not see that? and you think working for [censored] [censored] pay doesnt hurt the rest of the country? jesus how can you be so damn stupid.

now if you wanted to make a valid argument you could point out the fact that the united states practically stole half of mexico a couple hundred years ago, texas up to like canida or some [censored]. we won a war, stole the land, and threw mexico a couple bucks to make it look ok. BUT YOUR TO [censored] STUPID TO KNOW THAT.

people used to hate the irish because they used to flock over here mid 1800s during the "great potato famine". the same thing continues today. so id like to point out that this really isnt a racial thing as i know you asume damaris.

by your standards, ill be president one day. when that happens im gonna build a wall 50 ft high, 50 feet deep across the entire mexican boarder. there will be guards every 50 ft with sniper rifles and theyll be instructed to shoot anybody, first with paint balls, then with bullets. assuming they can get past the land mines, barbed wire, and attack dogs.

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paint balls, snipers, land mines, all cost to much, that would cost the country just as much as letting them in. i would suggest a wall, with motion sensor machine guns. might cost a bit to install, but no paying guards a weakly salary. just someone to reload the guns. we would also benefit from the flock of wildlife our guns shot. we would have a constant supply of whateva type of animal romes the texas border. heh

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Lmao, great idea BackSlash...

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...huh damaris !!

now if you wanted to make a valid argument you could point out the fact that the united states practically stole half of mexico a couple hundred years ago, texas up to like canida or some [censored]. we won a war, stole the land, and threw mexico a couple bucks to make it look ok. BUT YOUR TO [censored] STUPID TO KNOW THAT.
now that's a [censored] good reasons but as ohfuk said... nah better don't say it twice, i just hope she read that well.

P.S. fleshy nice post.


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backslash u are cruel aight and look u just have no sense and even bp is smarter than u! and u noe wat obviously backslash could turn into a future sniper bcuz i doubt anyone in DC would even consider ur suggestion!

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ok since y'all want arguments here u go adn this affects all latinos and immigrants even if u are not illegal to see that we help America:
1. The most important baseball players have a jersey with the last names of, Mercado, Sosa, reyes, Bocachica, Rivera, Rodriguea, Nunez.
2. Latin music is also big ex. Ricky Martin, J.Lo, Christina Aguilera, Gloria Estefan, Enirque Iglesias. and other ppl.
3. Everywhere u go u hear Spanish. Can't avoid it therefore can't hate it.
4. In July 1, 2059 the USA will be strictly all minorities and many of them will be illegal (have u ever thought that u can falll in love with an illegal?).
5.George W. Bush is the first prez dat speaks Spanish.
6. There are 35.0 million immigrants Note not illlgal.Reality is illlega immigrants get out of their country bcuz there are no jobs low education levels, and political conflicts.
7. in USA TODAY is says quote "The USA would not be succesful without the help of immigrants."
8. Immigrants are 34% of the employed ppl in USA.
9. Carlos Fuentes said that many immigrants are falsely accused of takin away americans jobs of ruining the economy and the nation but thats all bullshit. But these illegal immigrants keep on coming here because no one wants to do the job they perform and without them de whole structure of emplyment of the USA will be drastically runied.
10.In 1997 the National Academy of Sciences said immigrants add 10 billion
11. NOTe "Ni barreras mas altas ni nuevas leyes ni un nuevo presupuesto para la guardia fronteriza ni el ejercito ni acuerdos migratorios, NADA Se trata de algo mucho mas fuerte." EVery day thousands of immigrants cross the Mexican border and nothing will ever stop this huge wave og immigrants. Not the highest alls or any new laws or new guards for the border or soldiers or whatever agreement of migration NTHING its about something way bigger that drives us to the USA and nothing will stop this flow.

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oh yea jonconely i am an ANCHOR BABY and many ppl are so SHUT UP and i am a citizen so there ain't nothin wrong with what i am doing and yea we live in poor conditions but its way better than in South America, at least here we have police dat actually HELP.

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well DaMaRiS i'm not gonna go dissin you again this time coz i'm happy tonight for some reasons but i agree with you only in one point and that is:

2. Latin music is also big ex. Ricky Martin, J.Lo, Christina Aguilera, Gloria Estefan, Enirque Iglesias. and other ppl.


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1] Baseball sucks, but aside from that you are listing rare exceptions and they are legal anyways.
2] I am confused. Was there a good point to this one?
3] I hear rap everywhere I go. I still hate it
4] What is the significance of July 1st? Just curious
5] Bush is the first president that needed the minority vote that bad. Remember, he had to run for office in Texas back in the day smile
6] OK. A stat about legal's. Where si the illegal stat here that you are claiming?
7] Excellent. You quoted a source, helps your argument when you do that. However, it would appear that is dealing with legals. We are referring to illegals.
8] Legal or Illegal? And what is the pro/con here?
9] I will check out Carlos Fuentes. Real quick question, that isn't your dad, right? Also doesn't this negate your #6 where supposedly all illegals take a peek, don't like it, and leave.
10] Another fact. Good. But try to show a pro/con to this. I have already shown cons.
11] Okay...

I am impressed. Most of your arguments go from a possible fact to unrelated assumptions or horrible speculation, but it is great to see that you are using your head a little and make it a much more intelligent debate than being all "gansta".

I will check out Carlos. I want you to look at some of your points. See your fact and the logical assumption you make afterwards. It seems you sometimes jump from a fact to a huge assumption, so look at those and ask yourself if you see where they are related. Don't bother posting what you see, just make sure you can link your facts and your assumptions together here.

If so you have a much better arguments. Sometimes it seems like you are saying this.

"US has immigrants. So that means they must need them. And if they don't need them, too bad, it is inevitable. Things that are inevitable cannot be ahted and will not change."

There is some flawed logic there.

Thank you for your attempt and success (in places) of some good points. I kind of went through them quick, maybe ill come back a lil later.

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oh jonconley.. thank you so much for such an intelligent post! i won't even reply to damaris because i don't think anyone could say what you said any better. i agree with you completely.
ahh.. but i must thank damaris for making me laugh.. i really haven't laughed that hard in awhile.. i needed it. thanks! smile


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Originally posted by DaMaRiS:
5.George W. Bush is the first prez dat speaks Spanish.
She's completely full of [censored], Dubya can barely speak English, there's no way that monkey of a man could comprehend another language.

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you call George W.Bush [b]"Monkey of a man" Imperial ?... you're really [censored] stupid.


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yeah, no monkey I know has the ability to goto war with other countries to feed their ego and greed.

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hey.. in all fairness.. i think george seems like a really nice guy. i'm sure he's nice.. if you're not an Iraqi that is smile oh well.. i think he's the first president that got the "i can do whatever the [censored] i want" bill passed. good job for him! i'm all for world domination.. and he seems to be going for it. so i love him smile


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I predict his dad will die during lil Bush's 3rd year in office (DISCLAIMER: not by my hands and I won't have anything to do with this. This is not a threat on his fathers life). Remember I said this. I realized this today while bathing. I will feel some sorrow for him, but I am sure he will milk it for what it is worth and blame it on some foreign country.

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ahhh! you're gonna kill george senior aren't you???!! hehehe.. hey.. saddam tried to kill him.. and now hes going to get his [censored] rocked.. so. if you try.. make sure you at least succeed.. cuz you will be [censored] with.


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going back to damaris's only half decent post while attempting to not repeat jonconley too much

1 baseball doesnt completely suck but i heard that more people watched The Bachelor on NBC i think then the last game of the world series. Also baseball players make about half what football players make and about 1/4 of what basketball players make. but it is true that those 5-10 guys do actually help the american economy a little by selling american goods to latin countries.

2 latin music being big? yes thats obviously because thats what many of the 30-40 million hispanics in this country listen what?

3 another example, everywhere i go i see dog [censored] on the ground. i still hate it.

4 i think you mean January 1st 2059. then that would make sense. this is probably true but that adds to the point that there is way too much immigration in this country. so much that being an american is meaningless.
*as of now, minorities are the majority in the majority of US cities*
so basically its gonna get a lot more crowded and property value in suburbia is gonna rise while big, cheep, rental apartment buildings in cities will get bigger, and more expensive

5 hell even a trained talking monkey could speak spanish. even i know a little, enough to get by, phrases like, no hablo espanol, Tu eres mi puto, y chimbas(something like that) tu madre.

6 you say 35 million immigrants? assuming you mean only in the US, are you talking about every year? or total because a lot more the 35 million people have immigrated to the US. more like 300-400 million have immigrated.

7 "the US would not be successful without immigrants"...assuming your talking about illegal hispanic immigration which this debate is on, not legal people, um yes it would, your wrong. look at japan, even though there in the middle of a recession, they make more money then us, their kids do better in school. they export a hell of a lot more then us. their economy kicks [censored]. they are the biggest money loaners in the world(a good thing) and the have little to no immigration.

8 nc (see jons post)

9 i dont know who this carlos is.

10 what does the National Academy of Science know about immigrant economics? and is that pesos or dollars? and they add it to what? and they take away how much more? o wait, i know the answer to the last question 30 million immigrants that dont pay taxes * 50 thousand dollars lost a person ==1.5 trillion? ok my estimates might be a little high but 10 billion made(a year?) by no means is gonna cover the gap.

11 just because you found a spanish quote of some mexicans opinion doesnt mean anything. you didnt even say who said it. and its wrong. if we planted some land mines, which would be a hell of a lot cheaper then machine guns with motion sensors as BS suggested, i guarantee the flow would quickly be reduced to a trickle and land mines are relatively cheep. mass production, probably less then 30 bucks a piece but that quote is bullshit

im still not impressed with your results damaris but nice try

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haha yeah flesh, all for world domination when you're on his side

and wasn't there that gorilla that was taught sign language and could actually carry a conversation and express it's emotions? While not technically a monkey...

I am the Lizard King
I can do anything

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